Pre-Employment Transition Services-Basics and Beyond

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Overview of the WIOA legislation and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). In this session, we will define who qualifies for Pre-ETS and explore the 5 Required Services and Coordination Services. Participants will learn how WIOA and IDEA can complement each other to provide a robust set of transition services to students with disabilities. Resources to support Pre-ETS will be shared during the session.

Instructor: Shannon McVoy, M.A., CRC

Instructor’s Title: Transition Services Manager Michigan Blind

Instructor’s Affiliation: Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons

Instructor: Melissa Diehl, M.A. Ed, CRC

Instructor’s Title: Senior Technical Assistance & Research Analyst

Instructor’s Affiliation: National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)

Primary Core or ECC Area: 

Target Audience: TCVIs,

Pre-requisite knowledge: NA

Lesson Plan Goal: To provide information to educational staff on the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS).

Learning Objectives: Participants will

Discuss WIOA legislation, Pre-ETS, and relate these services available to students with disabilities

Identify students from their caseloads who qualify for Pre-ETS services

Recognize how WIOA and IDEA align in individualized educational plans to provide transition services to students with disabilities

List examples of Pre-ETS services and programs

Materials Needed: NA
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