Polyester Yarn Quality Control Tests | Yarn count | Linear density of yarn | SIRANG Co Laboratory

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Polyester Yarn Quality Control Tests in SIRANG Co. Laboratory
1. Yarn count (Linear density of yarn) test:
After the material and type of yarn, another characteristic that actually expresses its delicacy and in other words determines the thickness of yarn is linear density.
The existing practical standards in determining the linear density of yarn in the form of coil are the international standard ASTM D1907, ISO 2060, and the national standard of Iran No. 28.
The devices used to determine the linear density of yarn include a wrap reel machine and a digital scale with an accuracy of one milligram.
To determine the linear density of yarn, it is necessary to have a certain length of yarn, which is obtained using a wrap reel machine.
This machine consists of a regular metal hexagon with a circumference of 1000 mm or 1 m. It also has a mechanism that prevents the layers of yarn from becoming entangled. The number of turns of the wrap reel machine is also adjustable, so the prepared coil with a certain length is weighed with a scale, and having the length and weight of the yarn and the existing relations, the linear density can be calculated. For example, a coil with a length and weight of 100 m and 0.831 g, respectively, has a linear density of 83.1 dtex.
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