How to Make Snow Goggles

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Use these techniques to protect yourself from snow blindness if you are ever caught outdoors during a blizzard.

Step 1: Cut a wooden rectangle
Cut a piece of bark or a thin, pliable piece of wood into a rectangle, 7 inches long and 5 inches wide.

Step 2: Cut slits for your eyes
Estimate the distance between your eyes. Using a knife or sharp object, cut two slits in the bark for your eyes.

The eye slits should be no more than 1/8 inch wide.

Step 3: Cut a nose bridge
Cut out a bridge for your nose from the bottom center of the piece of wood.

Step 4: Attach a cord
Cut two holes in the upper corners of the goggles, and attach a cord to each hole.

Fashion cords from plant material if you have no other option.

Step 5: Secure the cords
Tie the two cord ends together around your head to secure the goggles in place.

Did You Know?
Exposure to UVB radiation is the main cause of snow blindness.
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Woodglut has a lot of designs to choose from.
