A Day in the Life - Boondocking with Solar || Wild and Free Camping 🏕️ in an RV

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A day in the life, living off the grid using solar power at a beautiful free campsite.

We love being out there, in the wild and so while staying in a campground with lots of amenities and full hookups has its allure; our absolute and favorite type of camping is Boondocking or as we like to say, Wild Camping! There is nothing better than driving deep into the wild where the views are never ending and the sounds are au nat-ur-el! Plus, it's usually free (yep the free camping part is definitely a bonus)! Sure there are no hook ups (water, electric, cable or sewer), but it doesn't mean you have to live like a heathen.

Spend a day in the RV with us as we live "off the cord" at Fishtrap Lake BLM near Spokane Washington.

Canon EOS m

Tripods & Selfie Stick:




© Gone With the Wynns 2015
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This is the video that started my love for The Wynns several years ago and launched my dream to travel on land or water or both. My life has changed so much, but the dream remains constant.


Seriously, anytime we need inspiration, this is the video we watch!! This is what made us want to full time RV and we've made it for a year. Ups and downs (mostly ups:), but you've inspired us to live OUR dream. So, thanks a million times. With your guidance, we started with solar and a composting toilet. After a year, we agree that it's def the way to live in an RV/travel trailer. Once again, thanks for the inspiration. You guys totally and beautifully changed our lives. Thanks for the adventure of a lifetime:)


Just watched this video again! My how time flies. I miss your land bound adventures.


This is what I call "Living"!  Keep @ it! You're doing it right!


My wife and I are recently retired and contemplating the full time RV life style. We love your videos. They are funny and entertaining and full of educational unbiased information. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for stopping by to say hi! We love our distiller, and travel in an RV is like parking the home wherever we want to play. We LOVE living out in the wild.


You have such a cool cat.
Doesn't try and run away.


We don't really miss windy often but this video sure reminds us of why we loved that #RV


Thanks HG's! It's a feeling that only fellow RVers can truly understand. Good Times for sure. See you on the road.


Oh, you guys make it look so easy. I'll be heading out on my own soon. Thanks for all the great info and inspiration. I just hope my kitty is as happy on the road as yours.


we had our solar installed in Manteca, CA. The shop managers didn't give us any discounts, but they did connect us with the best technician who took pride in his work, so overall we're happy with the install. The Solar is from GoPower!


Can you guys please make more videos like this, I think its the best videos. I enjoy watching how your daily live is like. Thanks!


You guys are amazing. The world has been coming to this, and it is finally a possibility. Thanks for being some of the first people embracing such wonderful freedom.


If we were to ever go with an A-Class this coach is by far my favorite...your Vesta was what caught my eye the first time I ever saw your channel. :)


You guys are living the high life that many of us would love to do some day. Keep living the life to the fullest, great video.


OMG, I totally fell in love with your lifestyle. THIS is so what I want to do as well. Thank you so so much for sharing; you did a great job with this video.


2012escapee1 we originally had 135watts on the roof and that did just fine for 2 years. We wanted to go more off the grid and really get to know solar and our usage, that's why we upgraded the solar.


We watched this video in 2013 right after we made the scary (for us) decision to purchase a beautiful 1993 Foretravel U280 motorhome. It was our first ever RV of any type, and we were looking for help anywhere we could find it. A friend recommended Gone With the Wynns, and so we met Jason and Nikki. This amazing couple helped us SO much during the steep part of our learning curve. They explained mysterious RV topics in a fun and yet informative manner. They introduced us to technology that made our camping life more comfortable. They pointed the way to destinations that we had never considered. They helped us in ways they will never know. As the years flew by, we watched them transition from land to sea, and yet they still remained as enjoyable as always. We still have our first motorhome, and have never regretted our purchase. Jason and Nikki have been an integral part of our life on the road, and we are so happy to count ourselves as loyal fans. I hope we can cross paths some day so we can thank them in person. Until then, THANK YOU and GOOD FORTUNE always!


Creative lifestyle ... No small amount of research and day-to-day tasks ... Unique, challenging, and rewarding. I began watching with pessimism ... but ... by the end ... Respect.


Awesome, I love the natural relaxed format for filming. I hope you follow this theme with your sailing vlogs. Thank you so much for sharing your life and loves.
