PROOF Curtis Hutson Knew the TRUTH About Jack Hyles and Protected Him

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A letter sent November 23, 1990, reveals that then-president and editor of the Sword of the Lord, Curtis Hutson, KNEW of "financial improprieties" and "immorality" but REFUSED to remove Jack Hyles from the "Sword Board."

He also explicitly stated he would not preach with those who spoke out against Jack or Dave Hyles, for fear of doing "damage to Fundamentalism."

The letter literally concludes with Hutson claiming he would deny everything he previously said in the letter if it became public.

This is written proof of a massive cover-up within the IFB.
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Many, many pastors knew. And way before 1990. In the late 60s the private school I attended had Pastor Hyles speak at Bible Conference. Everyone liked him. He was young, funny, and told stories more than he preached.

One year (68 or 69) Jack Hyles was not on the roster for Bible Conference. I asked the principle why he wasn't going to be there. The principle leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Pastor Hyles has a woman problem"

If a 10 year old boy in the late 60s from South Carolina knew that Jack Hyles had a "woman problem" more important people than me knew it too.

As far as I know, Jack Hyles did not speak in Greenville South Carolina again.


"I just read this a few minutes ago for the first time". So you didn't verify it's authenticity?
Why would anyone say "I will deny all of this" IN AN OFFICIAL LETTER?


Preach Boys, Let me start by saying that I am no Jack Hyles fan or a Curtis Hutson fan. I can say that through the years of the late 80's I wrote several letters to Curtis Hutson and never received a typed written letter from him. He always sent me a hand written letter and one of them was seven pages. I have to doubt that the letter in the video is real. You have no proof it is real. Best for all concerned if you would admit you have no proof of it's validity. For you to type in all caps that Curtis Hutson KNEW of the problems is not proven in the video. Curtis Hutson wrote in the Sword when all this was happening that the spoke to Jack Hyles and he said that he was not quilty. Hutson wrote that he believed Hyles and that he would not approach the subject anymore. Was that wise? I do not think so. There is to much evidence against Hyles. However to believe that Hutson would admit to such things in a letter on Sword letterhead is ridiculous. He might have been naive with reguards to Hyles but no body is that stupid, just my two cents worth of opinion on the letter.


The "Dr. Roberson" is Dr Lee Roberson of Highlannd Park BC in Chattanooga founder of Tennessee Temple U.


Y don't all of u stop talking about this.if u r a Christian y don't u guys get right with God and win someone to Christ instead of gossiping


So how is this spiritually edifying to believers? Not saying your facts are even false. Just saying that tearing apart the past does nothing to help us for the future.


I’m not saying what did or didn’t happen, but to think a man as intelligent as Curtis Hutson would put something like that in writing is ludicrous. I have a book signed by Curtis Hutson and that signature looks questionable to me.


Expect such when it is steeped in a WORKS BASED Sanctification, Paul warned about such


I'd like to add to your last comment. It's not just about people being abused, it's also about the cover up. The cover ups not only turn people away who would have weathered a scandal, but they incentivize further abuse.


How do we know that the responses to the letter weren't falsely forge? Anybody could have written a letter and respond it, just curious.


"Tony Hutson's name carries a ton of weight."

You got that right lol


God bless Linda. I am so thankful for her speaking out truth!💕


Shame on the First Baptist Church of Hammond IN for not dealing with this issues. If this was truth he should have been removed for the pulpit. After Dr Hyles died his son-inlaw took over the church and got convicted of taking a underage girl across state line for sexual purposes. What a sick bastard.


As a kid I attended Curtis Hutson's son in law's church. And this does not surprise me.
Thank you so much for all the work you are doing to provide a voice to survivors and to expose evil.


His son, Tony Hutson, hurts people and uses the pulpit to bully them!


I haven’t a clue who Curtis Hutson is but if he truly wrote that letter he’s an idiot. Imagine writing a factual letter complete with statements and names and at the letters end, the writer promises he’ll deny the contents of the letter…and then signs it.


I’m getting a feeling that somehow you got your feelings hurt or you got burnt or you just didn’t quite get it. I went to very strict independent fundamental Baptist Bible College Tennessee Temple University I have nothing bad to say about it. I knew when I went down there with everything I was taught I was wise enough to go ahead and keep my eyes on Jesus and on what the Bible says. Can’t say how much of a fan of your videos after this I’m not gonna watch them anymore.grow up!


Don’t dog IFB not all of them are like that lets make that clear it’s not the group it’s some of the people and that’s in every denomination please clarify that I love independent fundamental baptist but we have some problems I’m a baptist because I believe the Bible about once saved always saved but I don’t follow man we follow God


Beware of following a man instead of Christ. I once almost fell into the Jack Hyles cult of personailty as a new Christian. Thank Heaven that I did not.


where/who did you receive this document from?
