Omar Rudberg - Nyhetsmorgon TV4 - 03/08/2019 (English translation is in comments below)

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Oh gosh here we go! As a disclaimer I'm not a native speaker but I'll try my best to translate!

They greet each other and Omar apparently almost forgot the interview bit and said he was almost gonna leave. The interviewer says he saw that and felt it was better to remind Omar before he did leave.

They sit down. Interviewer: So how is it going with you? Omar: It's going well, it's going well. Interviewer: It seems you're going full speed in your life. Omar: Yeah I try to anyways. I love to work with a lot of stuff.

Interviewer: So we have met many times when you were in Fo&o that has changed names many times. I thought it was Fooo Conspiracy (it was at one point). And I think back that you had become very routined and like veterans but you are not that old are you? Omar: No. Interviewer: How old are you now? Omar: I'm 20. Int: And have had time to do "it all" still. Omar: Yeah pretty much. It's actually really fun.

Int: How does it feel though as you became an idol when you were very young... Omar: What? Int: You became an idol when you were very young. * Omar nods * And I know when you (the band) were here there were so many people standing outside (the building). * The old music video begins to play * Omar: Oh my god. Int: Even here (at this time there were a lot of people watching their performances I assume). I love this clip! Omar: * at the clip * Fricking... yeah we did become big and it happened so fast for us. It was really fun/cool. You (I) miss those times a bit. Obviously.

Int: Was it difficult to be a 15-16 year old and have masses of girls and boys waiting outside? Omar: Yes it was obviously sometimes tough. Like when I was with my family or trying to do something. Or our neighbours... when there were people stood outside our house. Certainly in these situations it was difficult but outside that it was really fun. We had "shit cool" I've had the best teenage life * laughs *

Int: And even before all this (band stuff) you've had time for even more. We can't not show a clip from when you were in Talent show. Omar: Nooo! Int: Yes. * to viewers * So watch this if you haven't seen it it's fun. Omar while the clip is playing: That is... that is not me. Oh GOD. * starts to sing along * Oh god that doesn't look like me. Int: What did that kid think about life? Omar: God what did he think? He thought that "crap my stomach hurts". Int: Were you nervous? Omar: Yes very. I had the worst cramp here * points at his diaphragm * But it was still great and that was where I started.

Int: You have just released a new song- yesterday I think actually. Omar: Yes. Exactly yesterday. Int: And we just heard it earlier. Little mix of Swedish and English "Min... På min telephone". Omar: ...toda la noche. * laughs * Int:  A bit of Spanish there as well so three languages all together. Omar: Exactly.

Int: So you're standing on your own feet now. How do you think it's going? Omar: It's going forward absolutely. I have so many dreams and things I want to achieve obviously. But it's going to take some time to write music and get everything together. Also I write with many different languages so it takes me a long time. Sometimes you want to have a song in this language and other time maybe on both languages. So it takes time but things are going forward in my opinion. Int: So to stand on your own feet after being in a group for so long must be different. Omar: Yeah I enjoy it actually. I started alone * points at the screen * then became a part of a group and learned so much. And now I'm alone again. But like we all (the former band members) enjoy ourselves doing our own things so it's nice of course.

Int: So you took part on Melodifestivalen (Swedish music festival where they choose their participant for Eurovision Song Contest) with the song we just heard (Om om och om igen) but it didn't go so well. Omar: Not competitionwise. Int: Were you disappointed? Omar: Umm disappointed? No I wasn't I was in fact pleased with what happened (how he performed) and thought it was fucking worth it. Oh pardon me for swearing! But it was so so wicked and fun so I'm very happy but of course I would've wanted to qualify for the final I'm not gonna lie. When I saw the final I thought I would've wanted to be there. Int: But your placement in Melodifestivalen doesn't determine if the song becomes a hit right? Omar: Yes exactly. Int: Your song has been streamed for 6-7 million times so it did become a hit. Omar: Yeah the song got a good reaction and people liked it I think- I assume. It got a high placement on the top list so that was cool. I'm very happy about the performance * looks at he screen *

Int: So what are your plans for the future? You have just released a song. Omar: Yeah. I released this song and want to continue in the studio. Maybe release an EP in the future you never know. And then I have my goal up here that is Latin America and USA. I want there. I was born in Venezuela so I can speak Spanish and know the local vibe and things so I want to go there. Int: One wants to broaden up and forward (not sure about this bit. Maybe like aim high and wide). Omar: Yeah and right now down to Latin America. But yeah I'm gonna push that as much as I can because I truly want to get in there.

Int: Many gigs? Omar: Yeah a little (some). Mostly in the studio though this year. And writing... Int: You performed at pride. How was it? Omar: It was really fun (exact translation would be like shit cool) it was so cool. There was a lot of people and it was my first pride event ever so it was truly very fun. Int: (again not sure about this exact question) Was the reception good? Omar: Yes very good it was great. People liked what I did there so that was nice. Int: What does pride mean to you? Omar: I mean how do you say it.  It means that everyone is treated the same and everyone is accepted. That is a part of what it stands for- or the most basic thing- that one accepts all. As long as it doesn't concern you it's none of your business. Int: For sure Omar: Exactly.

Int: Are you still in contact with the others? The friends from FO&O? I see from your Instagram's that you still have very good relationship even after you quit the band together. Omar: Yes I would say we do. We all had dinner not so long ago. Int: Really? Omar: Mhmm. It was really good, it was Felix's treat. * laughs * But it was fun. We are still absolutely in contact.

((For some reason my brain really struggles in this part so it's not that accurate)) The interviewer asks something like could they create music together again. Omar (I think) says that he would be surprised if they released something new as a band but could get together otherwise. (I'm basing this on another interview where he said that they could do a comeback gig with their old songs) Omar says that they will see how it goes. They don't have any plans and they want to continue doing their own things for a bit but "we will simply see"

Int: You have also said you want to write so how does the songwriting go? Who are you used to work with? Omar: I'm used to working with mixed groups because I have mixed sounds. Like a little bit of Latin American sound and then something in Swedish. There's not many Latin Americans in Sweden who write music so there's only a few I work with. One is Jay (not sure of the spelling) who helped me with writing my first ever single (Que Pasa I believe) and that whole group there. And then Robin Stjernberg and Johan Lindbrandt (the ones Omar cowrote at least Dum with btw) I have worked a lot with. They are very skilled. Int: Robin was here and lifted you on the same "shelf" (I think it means he had similar respect for Omar) on this exact sofa. Thank you kindly for being here it was fun. Omar: Yeah thank you so much. Int: So two songs breaking out which we are happy about. Omar: Yeah that's really cool. Thank you! (I guess they mean the success of Om Om Och Om Igen and some other song perhaps På min telephone toda la noche)

Again neither English or Swedish is my first language so I only could do my best. If anyone spots any mistakes or can fill the bit uncertain parts please correct me!


All I can do is enjoy Omar’s FACE and VOICE because I don’t know WTF they’re saying😂


I don't understand what you are saying Omar, but I am ok with that. Your face, voice and energy is enough for me.


Petition to grow his hair like this again!! 😁😍


can't wait for the translation channels lmao


Swedish is a nice language to listen to, espechially with this lads voice ! 😃😁
