Dive deep in the world of JavaScript and crack that JS interview || Announcing 8020 APPLIED JS eBook
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Dive deep into the most misunderstood and weird concepts of JavaScript. This book teaches you the underlying beauty of JavaScript.
Along with Algorithms in JavaScritp with visual examples.
Learn JavaScript like never before.
Introduction to JavaScript
Primitive DataTypes
Variables and Scoping
Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript
Truthy and Falsy values
The only 6 falsy values
Copy by value vs copy by reference
Copy by value
Copy by reference
Shallow cloning vs Deep Cloning
The shallow clone
The pitfall with shallow copy
The Deep Cloning
JavaScript Loose Equality vs Strict Equality and Type Coercion
Strict Equality
Loose Equality
Difference between for-of and for-in loop in JavaScript
for-of Loop
for-in Loop
ES6, Syntactic Sugar, and Modern JavaScript
Arrow Function
Destructuring Assignment
Rest and Spread operator
Template Literal
Event-Driven Programming
Listening to an event
Remove an event listener
Event Propagation
Event Delegation
Implement you own fetch with promises
Working with modules in JavaScript
What is a module?
Export and Import
1. Name Export
2. Default Export
3. Rename Export
4. Export List + Rename
Understanding callback functions and closures in JavaScript
Higher Order Function
Exception in closures
How JS works behind the scene - Execution Context and CallStack.
Execution Context
Declaration Phase
Execution Phase
OOP paradigm in JavaScript
Factory way of creating objects
Prototypal way of creating objects
Pseudo Classical pattern of creating objects
Class Inheritance
The Super keyword
The static method
Private and protected properties and methods
The this keyword
Algorithms in JavaScript with visual examples
Understanding Big O Notation
What is an algorithm and why to care?
Linear Search Algorithm
Time Complexity of Linear Search Algorithm
Binary Search Algorithm
Time Complexity of Binary Search
Naive Search Algorithm
Time Complexity of Naive Search
Bubble Sort Algorithm
Time Complexity of Bubble Sort Algorithm
Merge Sort Algorithm
Time Complexity of Merge Sort Algorithm
Quick Sort Algorithm
Time Complexity of Quick Sort Algorithmm
Thank You!
8020 principle states that 80% of the results come from 20% of input. This means to achieve an 80% result you need to learn only 20% JavaScript.
In the real world developers mostly do the same kind of work (uses only 20% of the JS) on a day-to-day basis. And this book is all about that. This book will teach you the 20% JS that you need to know in order to get things done.
Hello, I am Swastik, A full-stack software engineer. Thanks for purchasing the book, I really appreciate your investment. This book is the result of my handwritten notes, diagrams, and a lot of sleepless nights. This is the JS book I wish existed when I was learning JavaScript.
See you inside the book.
#javascript #tutorial #js #function #jsinterview #javascriptinterview #jsforbeginners #javascriptebook #ebook
8020 Lessons is the project to help you equip yourself 💪 with the most essential skills of the 21st century. Learn 20% skills that get you 80% results.
Become a better JavaScript developer in 10 minutes ⏱️ a week.
Concise and to the point 🎯 coding lessons.
Along with Algorithms in JavaScritp with visual examples.
Learn JavaScript like never before.
Introduction to JavaScript
Primitive DataTypes
Variables and Scoping
Truthy and Falsy values in JavaScript
Truthy and Falsy values
The only 6 falsy values
Copy by value vs copy by reference
Copy by value
Copy by reference
Shallow cloning vs Deep Cloning
The shallow clone
The pitfall with shallow copy
The Deep Cloning
JavaScript Loose Equality vs Strict Equality and Type Coercion
Strict Equality
Loose Equality
Difference between for-of and for-in loop in JavaScript
for-of Loop
for-in Loop
ES6, Syntactic Sugar, and Modern JavaScript
Arrow Function
Destructuring Assignment
Rest and Spread operator
Template Literal
Event-Driven Programming
Listening to an event
Remove an event listener
Event Propagation
Event Delegation
Implement you own fetch with promises
Working with modules in JavaScript
What is a module?
Export and Import
1. Name Export
2. Default Export
3. Rename Export
4. Export List + Rename
Understanding callback functions and closures in JavaScript
Higher Order Function
Exception in closures
How JS works behind the scene - Execution Context and CallStack.
Execution Context
Declaration Phase
Execution Phase
OOP paradigm in JavaScript
Factory way of creating objects
Prototypal way of creating objects
Pseudo Classical pattern of creating objects
Class Inheritance
The Super keyword
The static method
Private and protected properties and methods
The this keyword
Algorithms in JavaScript with visual examples
Understanding Big O Notation
What is an algorithm and why to care?
Linear Search Algorithm
Time Complexity of Linear Search Algorithm
Binary Search Algorithm
Time Complexity of Binary Search
Naive Search Algorithm
Time Complexity of Naive Search
Bubble Sort Algorithm
Time Complexity of Bubble Sort Algorithm
Merge Sort Algorithm
Time Complexity of Merge Sort Algorithm
Quick Sort Algorithm
Time Complexity of Quick Sort Algorithmm
Thank You!
8020 principle states that 80% of the results come from 20% of input. This means to achieve an 80% result you need to learn only 20% JavaScript.
In the real world developers mostly do the same kind of work (uses only 20% of the JS) on a day-to-day basis. And this book is all about that. This book will teach you the 20% JS that you need to know in order to get things done.
Hello, I am Swastik, A full-stack software engineer. Thanks for purchasing the book, I really appreciate your investment. This book is the result of my handwritten notes, diagrams, and a lot of sleepless nights. This is the JS book I wish existed when I was learning JavaScript.
See you inside the book.
#javascript #tutorial #js #function #jsinterview #javascriptinterview #jsforbeginners #javascriptebook #ebook
8020 Lessons is the project to help you equip yourself 💪 with the most essential skills of the 21st century. Learn 20% skills that get you 80% results.
Become a better JavaScript developer in 10 minutes ⏱️ a week.
Concise and to the point 🎯 coding lessons.