The 5 Biggest Differences Between Australians & Swedes

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In this video Adrian and I discuss how Swedes and Australians are different when it comes to different aspects of life such as dating, social life, hobbies, and more!

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I could not stop thinking how many times he said the word ‘‘like“ while he was speaking.


I have not been dating all that much, but I just want to say that it's so important to communicate to your date what your aiming for. Do you want a serious relationship, or just fool around and be single? Do you need a lot time to make up your mind? Or do you want to be serious and exclusive with that person pretty early on? My date asked me after our second date if I was willing to just focus on him and I, and be exclusive with him from now on, and since I fellt the same I was happy he put it that way. It showed me he was serious about getting to know me. Just tell people you date how you feel and don't let people be in limbo, Communication makes a win-win situation.


Generally you will become boyfriend and girlfriend earlier than the timeframe they are talking about. But it is age dependent mostly. The more older you are the faster you go to a relationship status. But we definitely do not use labels as much as in other countries I guess. But it does not mean that you do not have a relationships commitment.


Such an interesting topic. Thank you guys so much for your much-needed information!!


I'm Swedish (30 years old) and now have a girlfriend that i first met the 14th of march last year and we became boyfriend/girlfriend the 19th of april the same year so it went very fast in my opinion but we just clicked and could talk about everything but with that said i think in general and myself included people in sweden want to know you for real before becoming a couple. Think for yourself, almost everything is perfect in the begining but thats because it's all new but if your dating for a bit longer you get to see more sides of the person your dating and also have more time thinking and reflecting about the person and if you can see yourself living and spending your days with that person 😉👍


I feel like the whole "dating" thing has been imported from America (again) when Tinder and similar apps came around. Nowadays, a lot of women expect to be dating just for the sake of it and for it's pop-culture value. I feel like it also plays a role in the whole game of "play hard to get", when they say they are dating it also means that if they find another then there is no breakup involved since it was just "dating". At least that's how I feel.
Before it was just like the guy says it's in Australia and I prefer that way a lot more myself.


I live in Australia but Sweden sounds more and more like a country I would love to live in


Well Stefan i really like your videos i have watched many of them im living almost as far north of sweden as you can my neighbor is Kebnekaise the highest mountain in sweden so far. I like to her your views of sweden and us as swedish people you do it really well thanks for being so true about it im going to subscribe to your channel be well.


A lot must have changed since I met my husband 19 years ago. We went on a date and were exclusive like three days later.


I'm now in my sixties, but in the 80's I had the opportunity to travel (as a "junior") in business. To my amazement, out of UK, USA and NZ, it was the Kiwis that I felt most comfortable with, and quite a few times they confirmed that they got along very well with Swedes. I do miss Aotearoa...


I think the time frame for when you become GF/BF varies a lot between different people. Might also differ a lot depending on where in the county you are.


Thanks for great videos Stefan! Also, are your brother planning on visit Sweden any time soon? : )


Hi Stefan, great video. Did you edit the videos yourself at the beginning, or did you have an editor?


I don’t think it’s that common here to date for a year before you become a couple. Me and my partner dated for like 3 months and then we became boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s been the same with most of my friends. Honestly, if I dated someone for a year without trying to make it official, I probably wasn’t that into that person.


Is he like maybe like stop like using like so much like???


Hi Stefan. Nice video. In the 70s, the Swedish government set out as a goal that all adults should be able to live in a singel household if they want to. Especially single mums. They achieved that. So that can explain why Swedish women are strong and independent and not afraid of sleeping around if they want to without being ashamed of it. That's why we lead the statistics in the world when it comes to single households and why we marry that late. That's my theory anyway.


Nice topics on comparing the cultures. But be aware of the word ‘LIKE’ as it makes it harder to listen to the conversation.


Are all the pictures behind from Switzerland? 😊


I'm an Aussie that's lived in Sweden and this....really needs a TLDR version. Not sure if this is an Aussie phrase, but this guy tends to waffle (i.e. prater for mycket!). Every one of the areas you cover here are quite different depending on where you live (city vs regionally), your age, your as if you were comparing dating, live hobbies of someone n Stockholm vs Are vs Malmo. Sorry Stefan, I really wanted to like kanske det finns en annan Australiensk person du kan pratar med och far en realistisk perspectiv av livet dar!? Forlot Adrian :P


@Stefan Thyron Those amounts of introverts you spoke about are the reason why Stockholm is a rocket for creating companies. They're thinking about alot of other things when you interrupt their thought process. Alot of Swedes like to reflect. I would say the culture and the climate is why so many Nordic people are introverts and they usually become quite smart. Also when they grow older they're less shy.
