Is Fasting Commanded on Day of Atonement? (Lev. 23:26-32; Ezra 8:21; Acts 27:9)

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Back in 2007 was the first time I ever heard someone who was Torah practicing tell me they didn’t fast on Yom Kippur. This lesson examines that claim.
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I've wrestled with this every year, so thank you for breaking this down so well! May your fast be difficult! Shalom!❤


Shalom brother Matthew 🕊 Amein. My goodness, daily, I find myself repenting of something, even a stray thought. The Day of Atonement for me has become more profound each year. This year, because food is something I have to watch, I started intermittent fasting to help free me from that crutch I have used. Because I knew it was something separating me from Yah in many ways. It means so much more to me this year to fast on this Day of Atonement and I pray it means more to Abba! Blessings to you and all there🙏🕊


Good morning, thanks for sharing brother Matthew. Shalom


Thank you. This was very valuable for me and I’m positive others. Thank You Brother. Praise Yah!🤲


Thank you for this study today! It was very informative!


Pretty sure most are getting their reasoning for not fasting on the day of atonement from the book of Jubilees chapter 50 end of verse 12, that states not to fast on the Sabbaths. Thoughts? I’ve been torn on this since last day of atonement.


Shalom brother. What are your views on how the fast should be done? Do we abstain from food, drink, and water? Also, what about pregnant women, breastfeeding women, breastfeeding children, weaned toddlers, and the elderly or sick, like diabetics or those who take medication requiring food. And is there a general age below which the fast does not apply? Like age 13 or 12 for the BartBat Mitzvah? Thank you for your time and consideration. The Lord bless you for your teaching.


We want to be humble today by recognizing our Yahusha (Jesus) mighty King of heaven became a humble man on earth to save us from sin. Mirjam was this night the 9th to the 10th in labor and Josef very nerves, every birth is dangerous and a happy release as soon the Baby is healthy born. The shepherd brought wool and milk, we believe Yah changed this sad day (Adam and Eave fall was on the 10th day in the second month) into a happy day in Betlehem.


I dont know how you get that conclusion from Ecclesiastes 1:3.

it starts out saying he learns about everything done under heaven. then he says learning everything is the affliction Yah gives man to humble us.

I get that labor is done under heaven, but Solomon was talking about "learning". not "laboring".

The knowledge brings the affliction. That's why Solomon said with great knowledge comes great sorrow.

The humbling comes from the concept of "the more you know, the more you know you don't know.


My husband would be afflicted with an extra day of rest 😂😅 His OCD is tortured on Shabbat. I need to be better about getting everything done so he can mentally rest.


I'm surprised you didn't include Isaiah 58 in your presentation... Yahweh speaks about this Appointed Time:
“Look, you fast for strife and contention, and to strike with the fist of wickedness. You do not fast as you do this day, to make your voice heard on high. Is it a fast that I have chosen, a day for a man to afflict his being? Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, and to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Do you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to Yahweh?" (Isa 58:4-5)


Important verses in Leviticus 23 to pay extreme attention to... Leviticus 23:2 "&" 23:3.


So is it wrong to sip water on the day of atonement


Leviticus 23:27 KJV
[27] Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

I dont understand why it is the ninth in the teaching...


The true Sabbath day
8th 15th 22nd and 29th


A Representation Of The Feasts Christ/God Wants Us To Follow (Year 2023) ⬇️ Jewish Feast Days 2023:
The feasts are divided between spring feast & fall feasts. These feasts are prophetic timelines for God’s prophecies - such as Jesus coming, His resurrection & His second coming. 7 feasts are commanded by God, while the others aren’t & celebrations of Jewish history.
* God prepared his seven commanded feasts to direct his people and to foretell his prophecy from Genesis to Revelation. There are three spring feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits; then Pentecost; and three fall Feasts: Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles. The first six feasts of work are followed by Tabernacles, a celebration of Rest, coming home.

* Spring Feasts

Passover (Pesach)
Jewish Day: April 5’th Evening To 13’th Evening 2022, Nisan 14-22 5783
(The feast of unleavened bread, Passover & Israel’s escape from Egypt!)
*Dusk starts the passover, the spirit of death passing over the children of Israel & they were protected by the blood of the lamb on their doorposts - this was prophetic of Jesus’ coming, death, burial & resurrection. All of God’s people are commanded to not have any yeast or leavened bread in their house - or eat anything with yeast or leaven for 7 days, until the evening of the 21’st Jewish day.
#1. On Nisan 14 in history, during Noah’s flood - a great wind stopped the flood & the Holy Spirit passed over. On Nisan 17, Noah’s Ark landed on mount Ararat.)
#2. On this day, the war of Egyptian’s first born 1313 BCE happened.
#3. On this day, Jesus was sacrificed - which is referred to as ‘pentecost.’

Feast Of First Fruits (Of Barley)
Jewish Day: April 8 2023, Nisan 17 5783.
On the morning Nissan 16 Jesus defeated death - 3’rd day, Nisan 17 33 AD.
*This feast is where people get the pagan holiday ‘easter’ from - which crossed a pagan fertility goddess named ‘Esther’ & her symbol of fertility (eggs), with Christianity.
#1. On the morrow of the passover, the Jews are supposed to wave the first sheaf of barley in the harvest, as thanks to God commanded by God for the harvest - a prophetic symbol of Jesus ascension.
#2. Passover 2’nd day.
#3. On this day in history, Sodom was overturned 1714 BCE.

Shavuot (First Fruits Of Wheat)
Jewish Day: May 25’th Evening to 27’th Evening 2022, Sivan 6-7 5782.
#1. Shavuot first fruits of wheat, waving the first bundle of wheat, commanded by God, as thanks before harvesting.

* Fall Feasts

Feast Of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)
Gregorian: Sept 15’th Evening & 17’th Evening 2023.
Jewish: Tishri 1 & 2, 5784.
*Jewish 5784 (in Strong’s Hebrew), ‘Us’ means ‘Chaff’!
The Israelites are commanded to blow their rams horns trumpets: “The Holy One said, 'on Rosh Hashanah recite before Me [verses of] Sovereignty, Remembrance, and Shofar blasts (malchiyot, zichronot, shofarot): Sovereignty so that you should make Me your King; Remembrance so that your remembrance should rise up before Me. And through what? Through the Shofar.'
#1. On this day in history, Noah’s removed the arks covering!
#2. Rosh Hashanah means ‘Feast Of Trumpets’ & ‘The Day Of Awe.’

YOM KIPPUR: (Day Of Atonement)
Gregorian: Sept 24 Evening To Sept 25’th, Evening 2023. Jewish: Tishri 10 5784.
~ NO WORK is to be done on this day & a fast of NO WATER & NO FOOD from the evening of Sept 24’th, to the evening of Sept 25’th commanded by God. If you don’t do this, you’ll be cut off according to His Commandments!

Feast Of Tabernacles: (Sukkot, Booth & Branches: ‘Jewish Thanksgiving’)
Gregorian: Sept 29’th Evening To Oct 6’th Evening.
Jewish: Tishri 15-21 5784.
On the evening of Tishri 14 (Sept 29), Sukkot starts that evening, God’s ‘fruit harvest’ ending with Hoshana Rabba!
On the 1’st & 8’th Day - you are to do NO WORK on these days of the feast as commanded by God.
#1. God’s people were to prop up temporary dwellings outside of their homes signifying God’s strong hand when he brought the Israelites out of Egypt in the wilderness with His strong hand. To be celebrated for 7 days until the ‘great & final day’ called ‘Shemini Atzeres
#2. The Feast of Tabernacles, also known as the Feast of Booths and Sukkot, is the seventh and last feast that the Lord commanded Israel to observe and one of the three feasts that Jews were to observe each year by going to “appear before the Lord your God in the place which He shall choose” (Deuteronomy 16:16).
#3. The Feast of Tabernacles, like all the feasts, was instituted by God as a way of reminding Israelites in every generation of their deliverance by God from Egypt. Of course, the feasts are also significant in that they foreshadow the work and actions of the coming Messiah. Much of Jesus’ public ministry took place in conjunction with the Holy Feasts set forth by God.
The three pilgrim feasts where all Jewish males were commanded to “appear before the Lord in the place he chooses” are each very important in regards to the life of Christ and His work of redemption. We know with certainty that the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are symbolic of Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross. Likewise, we know that Pentecost, which marked the beginning of the Feast of Weeks, was the time of Jesus’ bodily ascension. And most scholars would agree that the Feast of Tabernacles is symbolic of Christ’s Second Coming when He will establish His earthly kingdom.

‘Hoshana Rabbah’ - 7’th Day Of Sukkot
Gregorian: October 5’th Evening To Oct, 6’th Evening.
Jewish Day: Tishri 21 5784.
*1 More Day To: 8’th Day Rest on the evening of Oct 6’th Evening (Tishri 21) to the evening of Oct 7’th (Tishri 22 ‘The Great & Final Day’).

Shemini Atzeres - (8’th Day Of Tabernacles)
Jewish Day: Oct 6-7’th Evening 2023, Tishri 22 5784.

Chanukah: (Festival Of Lights)
Jewish Day: Dec 7-14’th Evening 2023 Kislev 24 Evening To Tevet 2 Evening 5784.
(Erev, ‘eve’ of Chanukah is Dec 7’th & it begins in the the evening.)
#1. Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights, ” celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods (donuts). The Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication, ” and is thus named because it celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple.
#2. Construction of the Second Temple Resumes (353 BCE)
In the first year of rule of Cyrus The King Od Persia, Jews were given permission to return to Israel and rebuild the Holy Temple. A group of Jews led by Zerubavel set out for Jerusalem and began working on the second Temple. However, the Cutheans falsely accused the Jews of plotting a rebellion against King Cyrus and were successful in halting the construction of the Holy Temple for the remainder of his reign and throughout the reign of Ahasuerus, his successor. Construction resumed in the second year of the reign of Darius, Ahasuerus's son, on the 24th of Kislev.
{Dec 26 2022, Tevet 2 5783
The last day of Chanukah (kwanzaa).

Feast Of Trees: (Tu’B Shevat/Rosh Hashana La’llanot)
Jewish Day: Jan 24-25’th Evening, Shevat 15 5784.
#1. Translated as the 15th day of the 7th month of the Bible-based lunar year, Tu B’Shevat is known as “the new year for trees.” The holiday originates from Leviticus 19:23: “When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden. For three years you are to consider it forbidden; it must not be eaten.”


Christians are FREE!
We don't do rules and Laws.
Get Grace.


Those who follow Moses Laws will NOT be in Heaven.
We are NOT JEWS!
We follow Grace - the gospel.
and LOVE as our Command.
Moses LAWS are the Ministry of Death.


Galatians 5:4 KJV — Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
