Bible Project’s Tim Mackie fails to understand 'the moment of the cross' | LINK TO VIDEO BELOW

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Bible Project: The Theology Behind the Videos
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I’m seeing a comment that’s come up a few times that I want to address:

It goes something like this, “You and Tim are basically saying the same thing - what’s the point of this video?”

Just to be clear, Tim and I are NOT saying the same thing. Dr. Mackie does not agree with substitutionary atonement. In fact, you can find Dr. Mackie speaking directly against the doctrine of substitutionary atonement in his sermon.

Just to be MORE clear. This does not mean I hate Tim Mackie or that I’m attacking him or putting him down. It also doesn’t mean I think he’s a false teacher. I’m just disagreeing with a brother in Christ on what, I believe, is an essential issue. But it’s okay to disagree with someone! Especially when their teachings are on public platforms.

Please don’t assume my motives or judge me saying I’m attacking Tim or his ministry. I’m not.

Thank you and God bless 😊


I have noticed that Tim does not take snippets of other peoples sermons and ‘explain why they’re wrong’. He doesn’t need to do that. He is very objective when he teaches and points out there are vast differences in interpretations WHILE teaching. This way people have access to many different viewpoints. That is importantly, because we all will wrestle with God and our belief system, and NONE of us will enter Heaven with our theology 100% right. The man is humble, open to making mistakes, and doesn’t have to tear anyone down in the process … because the Truth speaks for itself. THIS is what draws people to the Gospel. Not self righteousness, shame, and finger pointing for views. There is a HUGE difference in what the Bible Project does and what your channel does. Regardless, all will be revealed one day, and God decides between the humble and proud. That should be terrifying and awe inspiring to us all.


The main issue here is how this edit was made.
Edgy music while Tim is talking vs. Peaceful music while you speak os meant to persuade the audience to your own narrative.
Please re-edit to show your view in a more productive way. ❤


I honestly feel like you and Tim are talking about the same thing using different words.


My friend, you’re both right. Tim just interpreted in a sermon what you just stated.


What is your goal in making this video? Do you think Tim isn't a Christian because he has different theological beliefs when it comes to wrath? How is discrediting and calling out another Christian, even one that doesn't fully agree with you theologically, christoform? You both confess the same creeds and both follow the same Christ. What benifit does this kind of division bring?


I agree with you without agreeing that Tim missed this.

Again in context to his teaching, there is biblically founded logic. But yes, Jesus drinks the cup, and we now rink the cup of the new covenant.


Wait I'm uh....confused. I thought...what you just said was the same thing of what Tim just said because when he says "the hell that we've created to overwhelm him, to exhaust its power on him" i thought him saying that is the same thing you said with Jesus taking in God's wrath because of humanity's sin, because he's taking in all the sin we've done on himself, that's why he says "the hell we've created to overwhelm him. I also thought that when he says its the paradoxical death and resurrection of Jesus and the death and resurrection of our world he was implying about baptism, because i thought just like Jesus died and got raised again now we when we get baptized we die and get raised again into new humans, just like when he says "death and resurrection of our world" :v


I’d like to add something to what I stated two days ago that has been weighing on my spirit.

I want to be clear that The Bible Project is a fine ministry in its own right. Their goal of giving concise explanations of the books of the Bible is laudable, and I know many, many people benefit from their efforts in that regard.
I have never seen a video (which may exist) explaining any theological principles they may/may not have. I see the Bible Project for what it is: an admirable effort to fulfill 2 Timothy 3:16-17,
“16 ¶ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

My goal is evangelism. There goal is education (at least in my humble opinion). The two can exist with each other. There will always have differences of opinion about theology, but at this late hour, there is precious little time to may Gwaste in protracted arguments. I stand by my original statement siding with a point made by Colin, but Tim Mackie doesn’t answer to us, nor we to him. Jesus Christ is our judge, and I pray all workers are found worthy of His sacrifice and resultant GIFT of salvation. Education, and if necessary, exhortation are part of our accountability to one another as members of the Church of The Body of Christ. “and let us consider [thoughtfully] how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds…”,
Hebrews 10:4.
Again, I see the Bible Project as a wonderful example of works by faith. I would that my efforts bore such tangible fruit. So to The Bible Project, Colin, and all others, may GOD and His Spirit Bless You in your efforts, and may we all look forward into the shortening time in front of us, serving the LORD as we perceive He has called us. Even so, Lord Jesus, Come!


I stand with Brother Colin on this, and here’s why:

I have been considering using a “Jesus” campaign as a witness tool for the area I’m in. I like the simple presentation, I agree that it would appeal to many, many people. That said, I have a strong check in my spirit at what I don’t see: the central narrative about Jesus, The Gospel. I see many well made videos, but none of the nearly dozen videos I watched address salvation. They seem almost humanist, which could be salvaged with a Gospel message.

Finally, I typed in “The Bible Project Salvation”. I watched two more videos, none of which addressed Romans 10:9-10, 13. Nothing about Repentance. And to be fair, Jesus did not redeem the world on the cross; he became the final Passover Lamb, the final Atoning Sacrifice for all mankind who just believe that He is the Son of GOD, that He was dead and buried three days and resurrected on the third by GOD, and finally, Resurrected by God. Jesus ascended to sit at the Right Hand of Power, and will return. SOON to judge the world before it is destroyed by fire. That is what scripture plainly says.

Jesus is everyone’s only hope. Faith in Him allows us to be granted the gift of Salvation, just as when the Israelites gazed upon the bronze serpent GOD to be healed from the plague of poisonous snakes.

“8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed”. Galatians 1:8
I cam’t be that man in my witness. I had great hopes pinned on this approach, but right now, I can’t use this. The Bible Project is an amazing resource, but I’m missing the key component, and I am very open to someone pointing to Gospel in its content.


One more last thing. 😮

To the Bible Project, I owe an apology. I can’t believe how this has weighed on me. This morning I did a deeper dive into Bible Project videos, and I found really wonderful videos that explain Jesus and Salvation. The reason I missed them at first search is because “salvation” is not in their title, but “Gospel” is. So to The Bible Project, Tim, Jon, and everyone else, please forgive an old man his shortsightedness. Any soul turned to Jesus by my efforts will be the work of the Holy Spirit as well as the message of your videos on the platform I’ve now decided to use. God Bless and Godspeed.


I can see your point. The wrath of God for the sins of the world is incomprehensibly greater in magnitude than what we think our sin warrants. However, I would say his wrath is appropriately calibrated. We are just oblivious to the severity of sin. Thank God for


Interesting, the difficulty I’ve had with that understanding of the cup is Matt. 20:22-23 where Jesus says his disciples will drink of the same cup that he’s about to drink from (cf. also Mk. 10:38-39). How would you take that passage?


God help us - please also look into The Bible Project- I still use it but cautiously for teaching children’s Sunday school; when I got to Ezra and Nehemiah (return from Babylon) section where this was clearly a result (interpretation) of Tim Mackey’s Liberal Democrat background and not biblical
( Revelation was wrong also in The Bible Project) )


I don't see the difference in each statement, simply worded differently


My question to you is, why can’t it be both? Both what you’re suggesting while simultaneously being what Tim is proposing as well


Mackie is right, this video was pointless. Everything he’s talking about can be characterized as the wrath of God, but you probably won’t allow that because for some reason you need scripture to say something you feel is offensive 🤣


Click bait. Jesus would not be happy with you, demonizing a real scholar. Try to be more positive and more Cristian. Have a nice day.


Hola sólo para decirle que hay una página que se llama cristiano sabio, donde pasan sus videos


You’re straining a gnat, while swallowing a camel. You literally said what Mackie pretty much said. And Christ is no longer under God’s wrath…so like Mackie said God allowed himself in Christ to be overwhelmed by our sin in that moment on the cross, to redeem the world. There’s a lot more there, but stop looking for problems and go love like Christ.
