Finland 'free money' trial did not spur unemployed to find work | #TheCube

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#TheCube | "People just weren't able to find work at increased rates but they didn't work less".

A two-year guaranteed basic income trial in Finland failed to spur increased employment. However, Scott Santens argues that the goal posts were shifted.
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If I got this money in the UK, I'd probably reduce my working hours and enroll on a course to improve my skills and get a better job.


They couldn't work less. They weren't working to begin with. You can't do negative work.


The trial has another purpose. In a world where AI and robots take most the jobs, some mechanism must be found to keep the world's economy working. Intelligent robots do not consume or pay taxes, they do not respond to advertising and do not have needs. So if all the work is done by robots and most humans are unemployed, who is going to buy the products the robots produce?


I am most definently *for* a UBI, but i dont get why a UBI should be a boost to people to find employment, and also ofcourse there will be a boost in wellbeing.
Its common sense.


Paying people to be happier? I'm in. I want to be really, really happy though, so please adjust my checks accordingly.


Giving free money from a pool of taxes that does not increase unless those ppl work. Then they don’t go out and work thereby decreasing the ability to obtain taxes. This isn’t moving the goalpost it sounds like fail to me


People behave differently when they KNOW there is a time limit on the UBI. This “experiment” would not be the same outcome as a “forever” UBI. Behavior would be much different over a longer period of time. To base an argument, for or against UBI, off of a 2-year experiment is really silly.


free money degrades an individual. because in this modern world a money is a purpose of life for many people. if you take away a purpose, you take away a person. is humanity going to wake up and seek spiritual purpose, because this universal income gonna give a additional free time? i don't know. i don't believe so. i think that people gonna sink in da couch. in front of TV.


Lol i have to say the study had major flaws . The experiment was way to short .
The questionnaires that was filled out was voluntary.

I think the experiment will be successful if it went further and questioners were mandatory in order to receive payment.


Apparently nobody notices that this short-term experiments are meaningless. People did not work less because they were receiving a basic income, someone says in the video. Well, if someone tells you: during a fixed period of 2 years, you will receive 600 EUR per month, and after 2 years, you will stop receiving it. Would you leave your current job? It is just like saying: if I give you 14.400 EUR (600x24 months), would you leave your current job? Some people might, but clearly majority of people wouldn't.


It seem reasonable to think that the unemployment can't be solved by giving a base income to everyone, why would they think that anyway. However it definitely does what it was supposed to, make living more comfortable for everyone. Maybe those people cannot find a job for various reasons despite applying to multiple per days, it was my case for two years straight at looking for a student job in a big city.


Humans tend to have other reasons for being productive other than just "I'll die of starvation if I don't."
It feels good to be productive. It feels good to be good at something. It fulfills a psychological need. And anyone who tells you otherwise clearly has a vested interest in keeping wealth away from you.


Universal Basic Income concept did not actually came from socialism.. Far from it.. It's a concep tcloser to capitalism mostly favored by the 1% who hold the most concentration capital who desired lesser social safety net costs.. Please see Milton Friedman's explanation of Universal Basic Income..


Ultimately, governments need to heavily reward companies that are willing to provide jobs.


Did tax revenue for their government increase though?


It will help young adults go back to school and help parents spend more time with their children. Creating better Adults in the future.


Hahaha love the proponent. Just makes up a straw man so his idea still has validity after it's again been disproven....
