Speaking with the Dead Through the Radio with Anabela Cardoso / Seeking I

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In this episode, Dr Anabela Cardoso joins me to discuss direct radio communication and the science of Instrumental Transcommunication in the process of speaking with the dead.

Licentiate in Germanic Philology, Faculty of Letters, Lisbon University, Portugal and Doctor of Public Service (Honoris Causa) by Roger Williams University, Bristol, R. I., USA. A linguist and a senior Portuguese career diplomat since 1976, Dr. Cardoso was the first woman to hold a diplomatic post outside her county. A former member of the SPR, Dr Cardoso’s long-standing interest in questions related to consciousness research led her to start experimenting with ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication).

In 2000 Dr Anabela Cardoso founded the ITC Journal which has an Editorial Board of internationally recognised scientists and researchers of anomalous phenomena. Dr Cardoso is a regular contributor to the Journal and to other international psychical research publications and has given presentations on ITC and her work internationally.

In the year 2005 Dr Cardoso founded the ITC Journal Research Centre, in Spain, where she currently lives.

In 2007 and 2008 she was invited to present research projects on ITC phenomena and was awarded grants by two international institutions – an important medical research foundation (which prefers for the present to remain anonymous) and the Chair for the Study of Consciousness at Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. The report on the important study and its results was published in Neuroquantology, September 2012.

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I really enjoyed this episode... Anabela is Great and a true ITC operator. Thanks for sharing 🙏
