Should You Spank Your Kids? Know the Facts before Spanking

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The topic of spanking children has been most controversial since the 1900s. What’s the conclusion to that debate in 2021? Do you spank your children?
Once upon a time, spanking was considered a standard parenting technique. Our parents, and even ourselves, might have grown up with spankings. Is it, in fact, a form of abuse? Should parents spank their kids as a form of discipline or not?

The practice of spanking children is based on the theory that it will teach kids right from wrong in an effective way that doesn’t lead to harming children. But is spanking actually effective at all? And isn’t spanking also a form of physical abuse in itself?
Do we have to include spanking our kids in our parenting strategies, or are there alternatives that do not involve aggression and negative effects on children?

What do you think about spanking children who have misbehaved? Let us know in the comments below!


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Honestly, I’m against spanking. If you hit your wife like that, it’s abuse. If you hit your coworker like that, it’s assault. Are your kids animals? No. Your kids are human, too. You should speak to your kids.


Here's a question to the people who were spanked/hit as a child: "Would you give your child the same experiences you had as a child?"

If you answered no, then you were likely abused and have trauma from your childhood (this type of trauma would be called complex PTSD).

If you answered yes, then congrats, you had parents who were there for you emotionally and did not fear.


I don't have any children, but if I did, I would not spank them. I was spanked as a kid, and I fully oppose spanking as a method of discipline. There have literally been so many studies showing the negative effects of spanking for me to believe it is a good disciplinary tool. I also don't feel like spanking was effective on me. I continued all sorts of bad behavior throughout my childhood despite being spanked. It is especially bad to spank a child with a disability such as autism or ADHD.


All doctor research agree that spanking leads to more issues in the long wrong.


I got spanked as a child, so so many times because I was the “black sheep” of the family. I was spanked from age 3 - 13 I’d like to say, I’m 15 now. But yeah, my mom made my siblings including my dad hold me down on all arms and legs while she spanked me, I got bruised in my butt, sometimes my hand would bleed because I put it in the way to protect myself, my dad spanked me so hard my nose bled. my mom broke a lot of hangers from spanking me so hard. Regardless as I got older I associated some type of physical harm and pain to discipline so every time my mom would yell at me and get mad at me I’d cut myself, I even wrote a suicide note at 10. Nowadays I distance myself from my parents I don’t lash out anymore, and I’m very secretive which caused them to go thru all my devices and my room, when my mom tells me to do something to causes me a abnormal amount of anger. I’m not sure why but if I have children I will not be spanking them


I'm sorry, I just don't understand how spanking can teach children anything but that it is okay to hit


When I was in fourth grade (in the mid-sixties) one boy acted out often. One day the female teacher took him to the front of the room, PULLED DOWN his pants, and paddled him! A.few years later, a girl classmate wouldn't shut up in study hall. The MALE teacher took her into the hall and paddled her. I don't think it helped my classmates very much.


I got spanked I rebelled and dropped out I still have a good career but took a harder path my sister never got spanked and got talked too she graduated college with a pharmaceutical degree. I try not to spank my kids unless absolutely necessary for the most part they listen to me and respect me and multiple people have told me I have well behaved kids sometimes they try to get out of line with me but never with strangers it’s all about how you raise them. Your never gonna have a perfect child you just have to have a good understanding with them but also you can’t be there friend either. U gotta find your balance.


I got spankings, growing up, and now I end up hitting things out of aggression, punishing myself over every little mistake, and constant stress as an adult. Then my mother gets mad at me for breaking my phone or computer, but I think she taught it to me. I can't even control or regulate myself because of it.


tldw: all people respond to different stimuli, while spanking might work well for many for others it can have the opposite effect. you need to test waters first and like all disiplin no matter what it is if done in excision itll turn from a lesson to abuse.


I'm kinda surprised this video was balanced. I was expecting a total anti spanking video. Personally I prefer more peaceful and gentle punishments like timeouts or taking things away. I think it should be banned in schools but not in the homes by government.


The majority of parents spank, but I believe most parents want what's best for their kids and have a line for what they consider abuse. That could be using an implement or leaving marks.

This misses the point that a major part of the damage is psychological. The message spanking gives is invariably: "sometimes, people who love me will hit me out of love. This is my fault and I should act better to avoid it happening to me". This holds true regardless of how often, how hard, or how calmly the parent hits.

I really believe that if we denormalized spanking, acknowledged it as violence and stopped doing it altogether, we'd see a large decrease on adult domestic violence, as well as things like depression that often result from internalizing harm done to you and feeling like you deseved no better.


When I was in school I got a wooden paddle to the ass three times a week and I got whooped till I was about 14


I don't know and I don't have children but it would be nice if all countries had this rule do not spank your children cuz it will cause difficulties to your child do wouldn't be able to focus what's you are talkin about these children will get annoying sometimes but you just need to talk to them in a good ways so they wouldn't spank their kids in the future it doesn't really depends if you like it or not these things could be called abuse can be called abuse but we're not going to talk about that that is good ways how to teach your children to have understanding and the courage to make a good future but spanking them would not help them some parents do their best some kids my parents and some parents do not need kids this all started because how annoying children are everyone has feelings parents too and children parents just say spanking them is able to be not a rule no that's not true parents are just playing lifted children just like if they're like dolls I wouldn't recommend. So please don't spank your children you can damage their health and their brain will not function that's the end of my comment bye


I remember, when I was a kid. My family and I, were visiting another family. That my parents knew them. (I don’t know, how they knew each other.) They’ve a son. The boy was around my age at the time. (Not sure, if he was older than me or younger than me.) Anyways, my family went over to his family condo or home. It was in the evening. We’re watching tv. I remember Full House being on. But don’t remember the episode. The boy and I, were playing. Running round, screaming with delight. His dad, got tired of us, running round the house. He grab his son, took him to the bedroom. I could heard the boy being spanked. The boy is crying. I believe the dad was yelling at him. My mom was like, telling my older sister and I, to watch tv. I thought, I was going get spanked. I might have seen the boy get spanked. But never forget hearing the boy crying in tears. His mom passed away. Shortly after she give birth to her second son. I can’t remember, if her second son was already born or she was still pregnant at the time. My family and I, went to that luncheon for Memorial of his mom’s funeral. I don’t think, I was at her funeral. But I remember having luncheon. We ate our meals. The boy and I, played. Then we left to go home. That’s the last time, I saw the boy. My mom got called probably a week or 2 weeks later. The boy and his younger brother, went to lived with his Aunt & Uncle. I believe his dad went to jail. If the boy still alive. He’s should be in his 40’s.


If I feel it's necessary, and nobody has anything to say about it


Is it right for a parent to use the belt to whip the child as hard as he could?


Do not spank.Take away their gold credit card, take away the Mercedes Benz for a month.


yea no if you spank your child and leave marks you deserve prison most child psychologist are now saying spanking is ok but should never leave a mark.

Whoever spares the rod hates their children,

but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them


this is stupid they spanked their kids years before this and then people are now mad
