Take The Light To The Cities - Bishop Henry Fernandez ( FULL SERMON

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Bringing Christ’s Light to the Cities

Those who have encountered the light of Christ are called to bring it to the cities of the world. Isaiah 60:1-3 (ESV) reminds us: "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you."

As we carry this light, we are entrusted with the message of hope: “Repent of your sins, for Jesus loves you, and you can find faith in Him.”

Just as athletes prepare rigorously for the Olympics, we too must see ourselves as spiritual athletes, disciplined in the Word and equipped to share Christ’s light. We are engaged in a spiritual battle, and our mission is to go into the world, proclaim the gospel, and equip others to continue spreading the light of Jesus.

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Thank you Bishop, a powerful message. For yes I pray to be in the light and to be filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
