LeetCode Medium 1709 Interview SQL Question with Detailed Explanation

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In this video I solve and explain a medium difficulty leetcode SQL question using MySQL query. This question has been asked in Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Adobe, Microsoft, Adobe interviews or what we popularly call FAANG interviews.
I explain the related concept as well. This question includes points to keep in mind to develop SQL queries.

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#LeetCodeSQL #FAANG #SQLinterviewQuestions
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with flo as (
select user_id, datediff(day, visit_date, lead(visit_date, 1, cast('2021-1-1' as date)) over(partition by user_id order by visit_date)) as gape
from table)
select user_id, max(gape)as max_diff
from flo
group by user_id
All the best!


*Instead of using CASE for null value, LEAD can take 3 args.*
*LEAD(column, number, default value)*
we can give a 3rd arg as the given date and there wont be any null value.


select * from uservisits;
with cte as (select *from uservisits order by user_id, visit_date),
cte2 as (select *, ifnull(lead(visit_date) over( partition by user_id order by visit_date), "2021-01-01") as
next_date from cte),
cte3 as(select user_id, DATEDIFF(next_date, visit_date) as biggest_window from cte2)
select user_id, max(biggest_window) as biggest_window from cte3 group by user_id;


with data1 as (
select *, lead(visit_date, 1, cast('2021-01-01' as date)) over(partition by user_id order by visit_date) nxt_date from UserVisits
data2 as (
select *, (nxt_date-visit_date) as window from data1 )

select user_id, max(window) as max_window from data2 group by user_id order by user_id
