Federal judge in Texas strikes down Affordable Care Act

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A federal judge in Texas said the Affordable Care Act's individual coverage mandate is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law therefore cannot stand. CNN's Cyril Vanier discusses with former assistant US attorney David Katz. #CNN #News
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There's no such thing as a highly respected judge in Texas.


So is car insurance unconstitutional now


Break something so you can then call it broken and have a reason to get rid of it.


It’s sad that they don’t see how many people benefit from the ACA ! It’s far from perfect but it’s better than what we have ever had .


This is so disgraceful and shameful!!!


Good thing... people don't need medical insurance... unless you're rich or an elective official for which your constituents pay for. Yaaaay, U.S.A! :(


Dismantling everything just sad I got to get out of here


Single payer works fine in so many countries, what is wrong with America as a country that it can't work there too?


This is what the people mainly voted on. Should have voted Beto Texas....


Well this is actually bad news. Say what you will but having some health care is better than no health care and we all know it's true. Well 12 million will be paying tons for medical bills.


A main issue with health insurance is that it's motivated by profit and they will go as far as legally possible to charge as much as possible and give you the least coverage possible that and education are things which should be provided to every single citizen legally not for profit but for need.


If you have a pre-existing condition, comment and let it be known! There are 130 MILLION of us!

Mine: I was born with an aortic (heart) valve deficiency. I had surgery when I was 4 (they were able to reshape the valve to make it efficient enough that I would not have to go through many replacement valves and surgeries as I grew like so many other poor children born with the same condition; I knew one patient who had 12 of them by age 19), and again when I was 28 (bovine valve replacement). 12 years later now I face imminent surgery again (organic valves wear out, this time I'm going with an mechanical valve, hopefully my last open-heart surgery for this condition, though they are not fail-proof either and have their issues).

I have been extremely lucky that my parent's insurance covered this surgery when I was 4 (my father was a college prof so received excellent benefits if not the best pay), and that my own insurance did when I was 28. I specifically quit my private sector job to go work for a large area hospital system when my surgery became imminent because I knew they offered their employees excellent health care and, importantly, covered pre-existing conditions that my private employer at the time, even a "great, reputable" world famous one with plenty of revenue, did not. Now again back in the private sector with their so-so coverage, I rely on the ACA for coverage as well as to protect my pre-existing condition. My last hospital bill, in 2006, for this open-heart surgery and hospital stay, was $150, 000. I had to pay $9, 000 after coverage (all tests and doctors visits leading up to it were covered with affordable co-pays) on top of the $270 a month I paid in insurance (their best "tier") for a single person. That is manageable (and I long ago paid it off), $150, 000 is not. My current ACA out-of-pocket limit is $8, 000 (insurance is $330 a month) so that's what I'll have to pay if I face a $150, 000 to $200, 000 (keep in mind the inflation in the last 10 years as well as that medical costs have risen faster than inflation) surgery and hospital stay cost again, as well as other costs (such as for tests). $8, 000 in total I have to pay for any given year no matter how much the total bill is. Once again, manageable. The other cost is not. Affordable insurance is a human right and necessity!


The decision won't stand in appeals court and if it even goes to the supreme court I doubt it will stand there. There would he hell to pay by stripping people of their healthcare.


I live abroad and will never come back to live in the US again. Down with for profit healthcare. Down with the Republicans. Down with the Democrats. Down with capitalism. Medicare for all.


The Judge is incorrect. The penalty only applies to anyone that files income taxes. It is unconstitutional for the Govt. to tax a person for being born, a head tax. However, it is constitutional for Congress to tax people for income, as the 16th amendment states. So, they can assess a tax penalty if you make too much and don't have healthcare. However, Trump and gang removed that from the tax law last year. Of course, this whole thing is still a serious mess. It would be simpler to just force insurance companies to provide the acceptable minimum policies are fair prices, with the Govt. auditing them as needed. Oh, and medicine should not be a for profit business. I shouldn't get a bogus bill for $7500 for a blood test unless that test included a limo ride to the doctor.


We are mandated to pay for wars what’s wrong with taking care our citizens health?


Republicans: We aren't sure what side they are on, but we know it isn't America's...


I don't understand why you all think it's okay to be forced to pay insurance premiums of $400-700+ a month while you're only make $1, 000-2, 000 a month before taxes that you have to pay for more government assistance programs.

College students couldn't afford this so they disguised it onto their parents bill by allowing their parents to foot the bill until they turn 26 years of age.


Medicine? For poor people? How unconstitutional


Shouldn't be affordable, should be free.
