Oberheim OB-X - Rosen Sound Demo

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Demo of our Oberheim OB-X 8 Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer

The OBX was the first major "answer" to the Prophet 5 synthesizer, and at least in our opinion, was the best answer anyone could've given.

The OB-X is based on the basic design of the (S)ynthesizer (E)xpander (M)odule also from Oberheim. Like the SEM, it features two discreet VCO's with saw and pulse, two envelopes, and the low pass section of the SEM filter. It also added noise, a release control, and cross modulation (similar to the Prophet's cross mod). The prophet's cross mod was a bit more dynamic, though. A flexible LFO section is also featured.

None the less, the OBX is in a species all of it's own in many ways. It's one of the very few mostly discreet programmable polyphonic synthesizers, and more than that spec, it sounds unique and absolutely marvelous.

Our unit features encore midi

Most music improvised for this demo, and is property of CABIN Productions

p.s. 'thanks' @pilotredsun for inspiration
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This really goes to show that the OBX isn't reducible to "that Oberheim sound"–liquid filter sweeps, punchy brass, or beefy unison bass–but rather, that it's so much more than the stereotypes. Yes, it has its distinctives, but at the end of the day, it's just a lush, ethereal 8-voice poly synth and it's wonderful to hear this side of it. Absolutely gorgeous! 

Back when I had my Ob6, I loved it to pieces, but it didn't "play well" with my other gear. Its character was lovely, but it alienated my other synths. I felt pigeonholed into "that Oberheim sound", and I think the Ob6's aim, was not just to imitate an Oberheim, but to bottle "that sound", and the effect was limitation. Listening to the OBX, however, I hear so much more freedom.


1:23 feels like the perfect intro to an atmospheric drum & bass track.


Awesome! Still the best sounding Oberheim for me! Looks like you've got a late revision unit too!


Well done, beautiful sounds. Waiting for the new one🤗


Really like your demos / playing style... I play very similar to that. Very rhythmic and pleasing sounds.


Lovely and beautiful OB-X sounds. Was there any external processing/reverb on this? Sounds like it from 2:00 onwards for a bit.


One of the very very few poly synths that sounds like a gorgeous ensemble of VCO mono synths .
All of the DCO / Curtis design type poly synths don’t seem to have this indescribable magic .... for me .


Is the melody from 3:18 inspired by PilotRedSun? :D


I'm still kicking myself for not getting one of these in the 90's when people were getting rid of them for $800. Oh well...I have an OB-8 at least...


Hey Rosen, I am 19 y/old and about ti enter university. Wanted to ask you If studying engineering in electronics could help me on building and modeling synthesizers


I could NEVER afford that synth and that aint no bull, its under the category of 'price no object'
