Coffee City, Texas Looking Other Way About INSANE POLICE CORRUPTION!

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In this clip from episode 883 of I Doubt It Podcast, Brittany Page and Jesse Dollemore discuss a follow-up of a story they covered on their previous episode regarding corruption in the Coffee City, Texas, police department.

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The mayor denying that they knew anything about something they are directly responsible for means they're either a criminal or an idiot. Either way he has no right to be in office.


They'll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.


Someone has to be held accountable for this massive corruption. Unacceptable


I've lived in small towns, and in communities of that general size, the mayor usually has a very good handle on what's happening in their town. And not only that, but the citizens ALSO know what's happening. So how this mayor can claim no knowledge...well, it's just not credible.

Town CLEARLY has serious issues. Did anyone catch that flash of legal docs in which it's revealed that the PD has a BOILER ROOM OPERATION for fine collection? Did you also catch that this "collection department" is operated out of Houston? If you were in charge of some small town that's not exactly up the road from Houston, about the only reason you would need to do this would be that, if the "city" found out by hiring locals and they caught what was ACTUALLY going on, all hell could break loose.

Also, there aren't too many reasons why a town...speed trap or not...would need a large outsourcing for just police fines. But one that comes to mind is kickback schemes. KHOU might have some fun digging into that city "department". Might also get a butt load of city officials (such as Hizzonor Mayor Idunno) dragged in front of a judge. But this IS Texas, so who knows? That state's corruption honestly rivals Chicago's!

And if you like getting Version 1 of corruption's greatest hits, the sequel might be even crazier. So...1 in 5 residents of Coffee City, TX are cops...which defies mathematical odds. There's no good reason why a greasy spot in the road needs 20% of its residents to be cops. Sooo... let's have a look at the local police union. Certainly THEY would have some answers, although I doubt you'd get them without resorting to MASSIVE amounts of legal bombardment. But if you have a situation like this... c'mon, the police union knows the reason. And potentially, how much that reason costs in terms of percentage of fines handled by Coffee City Mystery Accounting LLC.

Honestly, from the moment that I saw that wildly skewed population figure, I could SMELL the corruption. And given police union involvement, that would probably make said union qualify as a multistate problem...and then it's time to ring up the FBI.

Mayor Hotpants there has now arrived at his own personal Omega Mart...because he has no idea what's in store for him! This could be good for a few months of comedy!


Can't wait to hear the rest of the story


The mayor should be removed immediately, this is ridiculous, such corruption in America


I grew up in a town of 800, and it was almost like Mayberry. One chief cop, and one Barney Fife. As of a decade ago the cop retired, and the police dept desolved and the Sheriff dept over sees the town now.


If true? Dude it's an active warrant! of course is true!


The mayor knew full well what was going on Fire him


I find it hard to believe that the Mayor had no idea! If he had no idea he does not look very competent.


A police chief with a warrant. Jesus Christ. He should be fired as well, they paying cops to find and arrest people with warrants, and the person giving the directives has a warrant. Laughable


No way this guy doesn't know about the budget of the city. He'd have to know how many cops there are.


If they suspended a Walmart employee for suspected theft while they did an investigation that employee would not be given a suspension with pay…….

Could we stop paying people on suspension. It’s just rewarding them. Suspension is a penalty not a vacation…. And no they can’t use vacation time….


I'm gonna say it again, The mayor knew how many people he was paying to do that top period even if 10% of them were not there period he was still Paying for 40 cops that he knew of to police Is two hundred fifty population town.


Investigate more of this type of corruption. There are a lot of cities like this


The biggest unanswered question for me is, where the hell was TCOLE and why is a Journalist having to do their Job?


Does everyone in town have multiple warrants out on them?


C'mon man. In a town that size, if someone farts everyone smells it


The town's strategic coffee bean reserve went mysteriously missing. Migraines from caffeine withdrawal ensued and persisted. Unforgivable and unacceptable.


They need to go to prison for there crimes. Protect and serve my Azz
