Hybrid Learning Benefits in Education #HybridEducation #CBSE #KSEEB #LiveClasses | Vista’s Learning

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Hybrid learning combines the benefits of in-person instruction with the flexibility of self-study and technology. Here are some of the ways it can help students focus and some of the other benefits it provides.

Flexibility of platform
Effectiveness due to manual InterVision
Engagement in offline & online support
Differentiation as it creates an additional edge
About us: Vista's Learning is a platform with a motto to provide QUALITY education for all. We are a group of individuals including professors and subject teachers joining hands to bring quality education to the masses free of cost on YouTube. We are dedicatedly focused on "Right to Quality Education for all".

For more details contact us - 1800 419 3629 📞

Download our App for all your needs:

Our app gives you access to:
✔ Live class Study Notes 📚
✔ Live Classes in a structure
👩‍🏫 ️ ✔ Study Material 📖
✔ Assessment & performance evaluation
📈 ️ ✔ Pre-recorded videos
🎥 ️ ✔ Concept videos 📼
️ ✔ Wholesome Entertainment videos for kids🧒
✔ Videos featuring kid’s skills & talents🎥

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