Top 10 Unbelievable Moments On The Ramsey Show (2021)

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Top 10 Unbelievable Moments On The Ramsey Show (2021)

1. Call The Police Right Now! (You And Your Son Are In Danger) (0:00)
2. Joe Biden Wants To Do THIS With Your Bank Account - Dave Ramsey Rant (15:22)
3. "Dave, You're Stupid and Arrogant! Are You Smarter Than Warren Buffett?" (22:00)
4. I'm Getting Fired If I Don't Get The COVID-19 Vaccine! (27:11)
5. Are We About To See Something We Haven't Seen In Two Decades? (34:47)
6. My Husband is 100% Sure That the World Will End Soon! (42:17)
7. A Gold Digger Has Drained Over $800,000 of My Father-in-Law's Money (50:42)
8. Why Banks and Credit Card Lovers Are TERRIFIED! - Dave Ramsey Rant (58:34)
9. Are We In a Housing Bubble? (And Will It Burst?!) (1:04:35)
10. I'M COMING AFTER YOU! You're So Scummy! - Dave Ramsey Rant (1:11:56)

The new Borrowed Future uncovers the dark side of the student loan industry and exposes how the system is built to work against you.

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• The Ramsey Show (Highlights):
Рекомендации по теме

1. Call The Police Right Now! (You And Your Son Are In Danger) (0:00)
2. Joe Biden Wants To Do THIS With Your Bank Account - Dave Ramsey Rant (15:22)
3. "Dave, You're Stupid and Arrogant! Are You Smarter Than Warren Buffett?" (22:00)
4. I'm Getting Fired If I Don't Get The COVID-19 Vaccine! (27:11)
5. Are We About To See Something We Haven't Seen In Two Decades? (34:47)
6. My Husband is 100% Sure That the World Will End Soon! (42:17)
7. A Gold Digger Has Drained Over $800, 000 of My Father-in-Law's Money (50:42)
8. Why Banks and Credit Card Lovers Are TERRIFIED! - Dave Ramsey Rant (58:34)
9. Are We In a Housing Bubble? (And Will It Burst?!) (1:04:35)
10. I'M COMING AFTER YOU! You're So Scummy! - Dave Ramsey Rant (1:11:56)


The first call made me terrified and to see Dave handle it the way he did made me full speed go ahead with his program and I haven't looked back. He genuinely wants the BEST for people.


Update on the first caller: her name is Danielle and she is safe along with her child as Dave said, from what I found online she’s living with family and the ex is in jail and currently being charged with several counts of domestic violence, but that’s all I found


That first call heart breaking. Thank the lord for Papa Dave.


The first call broke my heart. I hope she is fine now. I am sending her all my love and support.


Domestic violence is a big problem. This woman and her son were in danger. I feel really bad for her.


I remember my abusive ex slamming me into walls, spitting in my face, smashing my phones, and standing in front of my car when I tried to escape. That happened many times. I finally got away. Bless Dave for handling that so assertively and compassionately.


I’ve not sat and listened to Dave for a few months, but I’ll never forget that first call. Dave, Rachel, and John were absolutely brilliant. Year after year Dave and team Ramsey prove how important they are. Love you guys. 🇬🇧🤝🇺🇸


The poor lady on the first call broke my heart🥺 I hope she’s doing okay, God bless her


That first call … no words. So terrifying. Rachel’s facial expressions and body language exemplifies her innate compassion.


I work in police (not in USA) and I am very thankful for how Dave handled the first call. Hope it all worked out well for her and the baby and they are safe and happy today.


Dave Ramsey is the dad everyone wanted, but not everyone got.


Dave. I liked you before this video. But by the end of the video, your true colors have come through. You are a peoples person. You help individuals in need, yet it disseminates to benefit a massive number of people. You help people get out from the grip of corporate oppression. You are not afraid to stand up tall and strong. I hold you in the highest respect and I love what you do and say. Thank you Dave ❤️


This is my first video on this channel. Initial impression; Dave personified masculinity with the first caller who was smart enough to know she needed help - because he was a decisive balance between gentle and strong. The job got done for the better - true concern and empathy. A man like that deserves my further attention. Subbed.


The first call is frightening. Can you imagine that poor lady and what she's going through. Ugh I hope she's going to be okay.


First call was so scary. I had a bf who would block me from escaping. Thank God I didn't have children involved. Men like that don't deserve to be on this earth.


Praise God she called you, Dave. That was unquestioningly God's protective hand on that girl and her precious baby. You handled it with such wisdom and a firmness and protectiveness that she desperately needed. It's always so encouraging to see in action God's protective hand in a life. What a miracle!


The sad part is she thinks selling her house is the answer. He will find you when you move. The mindset she is in she would tell him the new address anyway.


I’ve listened to the first one as it aired live. Very tense call. Debt can wait, realtor can wait. Life and safety always come first.


The 35 yr old guy that said that Dave is Stupid and Arrogant lost when he said that to him. Disrespectful. Dave is a great guy. I hope and pray that Dave and his team live for ever. Helping people for free get their lives in order and reduce hardships.
