Jesus Calling Sept 6th

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God created you in His image. Be loyal to the royal that is within you. Trust in Him. He will lead you and give you those things you desire. Pray to Him and listen to what He says to you. Practice the art of being still in His presence. Peace be with you my friends.
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This book was left on my housekeeping cart at the hotel I work at about a year ago. One of the other housekeepers found it in a room after the people checked out. The housekeeper left it on the cart for months. It just sat on that cart saying "Jesus a few months, I decided to take it home and began to read it each day. In January this year, The LORD came to my husband and I at the same time and showed us some of our worst sins, things we didn't really know we were doing. We cried and asked for forgiveness, then He gave us each a new heart like His--we were born again "Christians" I guess, now we are waiting for His next instructions. I have been praying and listening to the LORD speak to me since then and He jumps right into our conversation through the book, Jesus Calling, each day since I've read it. Yes, He speaks to us through the book. It is a beautiful thing to read words that were written in a book that's been around for years, unbelievable, call me crazy, but no way I AM!


Thank you my spiritual brother 🙏 this was so timely and I needed it so much. God bless you and your family


Thank you for using your voice to share His. Gobless you always❤


God Bless i listen to you everyday Thank you


Good morning Nick, I listen to you read the devotional daily, the scriptures, your reflections, and testimonials. . God Bless You richly


Good a.m. bro Nick, I hope you have a blessed day, I enjoy watching you videos every a.m. it truly is a blessing to my soul. Where would you suggest I start reading for this two weeks challenge. Your bro in Christ Samuel
