Feature Selection - 1 | Problems in dataset | Less is More | S2 E1 | Over-fitting | Machine Learning

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Irrelevant features add less information and more noise. Noisy data causes many problems in training a machine learning model. Feature selection helps us to get rid of these irrelevant features in just two steps: choosing features to remove based on some tests (tests will be covered in this series itself) and deleting them. However, it is also important to understand that in which particular ways does these irrelevant features affect our predictive power. So, in this video we will discuss the problems that exist due to the presence of noisy features/columns.
The problems are:
1. Collinearity - When one column can be derived from another column using just a linear equation, we say that the two columns are collinear. The collinear columns add no information but only noise. So we delete one of the two.
2. Less Variance - Some columns may have all very similar values. These columns give no additional information which could help the model to perform better.
3. Over-fitting - When columns don't give additional information and only provides noise, fitting the model on these columns cause over-fitting.

Over-fitting is a vast topic and I will dedicate another series on that topic so that you people understand the whole concept, but whatever is required to for this video, is already discussed in the video.

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