Все публикации

Simple Stock Data Analysis in Python | Ep - 1 | Stock market analysis in python.

P3 -Linear Regression in Machine Learning | Training,mean squared error. Apple Stock price Dataset.

P2 -Logistic Regression in Machine Learning | Training, accuracy, confusion matrix. Titanic Dataset.

P1 - Data Processing in Machine Learning | null (missing) values, one hot encoding. Titanic Dataset.

Keras Series - 1 | Iris Dataset using Neural Network | Deep Learning.

How to MASTER ChatGPT for coding.

$0/month. How AI will take over jobs? (** as a programmer)

$1/min - CarynAI - AI girlfriend.

Transformer Agents from Huggingface | NLP API for Transformer

100k token length LLM (Large Language Model). Anthropic Claude

ImageBind Meta AI | Multimodal retrieval algorithm

Chatbot using DialoGPT(GPT2) and streamlit_chat | PyTorch Deep Learning Chatbot on local machine- PC

Semantic segmentation in PyTorch. Deeplab tutorial.

Image search engine using Python and PyTorch. Query similar images from database.

Stock Price prediction using LSTM | Time Series data for LSTMs

Streamlit Tutorial - 13 | Caching - st.cache_data , st.cache_resource

Simple Chatbot using PyTorch - 4 | Giving queries and using the chatbot.

Streamlit Tutorial - 11 | Mutate charts, add_rows.

Streamlit Tutorial - 8 | Layout elements. st.sidebar, st.columns, st.tabs, st.expander, st.container

Streamlit Tutorial - 9 | Status elements - st.progress, spinner, balloons, error, warning, exception

Simple Chatbot using PyTorch - 2 | Creating data for training. Rules based intent based chatbot.

Streamlit Tutorial - 7 | strea,lit media elements - st.image , st.audio , st.video

Streamlit Tutorial - 6 | text_area, date_input, time_input, file_uploader, camera_input , color_pick

Simple Chatbot using PyTorch - 1 | Creating vocabulary. Rules based intent based chatbot, Neural Net