Introducing 🤙🏻 Easy YOLOv7 ⚡️ | The Most Powerful Object Detector in Just 10 Lines of Code

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Dive into the world of computer vision with our comprehensive guide on using the Easy YOLOv7 repository. Discover how to simplify the implementation of YOLOv7 in your projects with less than 10 lines of code. Whether for use in robots, drones, cars, or any device, this tutorial will show you how to deploy real-time, offline object detection with ease.

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#TheosAI #YOLOv7 #ComputerVision #AI #MachineLearning #ObjectDetection #CodeSimplified #TechTutorial #AIIntegration #RealTimeAI #OfflineAI #Innovation

00:04 Introduction to Theos AI and Easy YOLOv7
00:20 Benefits of Using Easy YOLOv7
00:31 Downloading and Configuring Weights
01:09 Overview of Easy YOLOv7 Repository
01:51 Getting Started: Installation and Setup
02:10 Demonstration of Output Capabilities
03:01 Tutorial on Custom Training YOLOv7
04:04 Image Detection with Easy YOLOv7
05:17 Video Detection Implementation
08:14 Using Webcams for Real-Time Detection
09:37 Stream Processing with YOLOv7
11:42 Training Custom Models with Theos AI
13:30 Conclusion and Additional Resources

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Thank you so much for the easy-yolov7 repository. It works like a charm. Wonderful work🎉


sir which terminal are you using here to run code?


Can you create a video about how to install all the requirements needed


Sir I have to recognize the character from number plate using paddle ocr so what should I do in this process to use yolov7 and paddle ocr both at the same time


Great speed. You have make a Super Tool.

Can you Please tell me that how should I use OCR with this YOLO7


buen video, tengo una pregunta y es cuanto consumo de cpu puede ocupar una deteccion en tiempo real con yolov7? he estado intentando usar un modelo que no ocupe mucho rendimiento solo usando cpu


Which changes in the code you provided do I have to make to use different yolov7 model modifications like yolov7-w6 or yolov7-tiny? Or do I simply use Theos AI and train on for example yolov7-tiny and then just provide these weights inside the code?

Also what is the main difference between these model modifications? On the official github repo of yolov7 as much as I know large models have test size of 1280, medium 640 but tiny is not listed. Can you help me to understand more about that or point me to some useful resources where I can learn?

Thank you


Hi, Thank you, is it possible to train Yolov7 with darknet, I want to get a .weights file not a .pt file ? because I can't read .pt file with Opencv


hay muchos paquetes q no tienen sentido instalar..
pymupdf no logra instalarse y no puedo avanzar..


Does easy yolov7 support exporting to ONNX?
