This Sets You Apart From Every Other Woman | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and This Sets You Apart From Every Other Woman

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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What sets me apart from every other woman is that I'm not in competition with every other woman. I'm comfortable in my own skin.


It's about ✨ P.E.A.C.E. ✨
✨Positive possibilities (1:23)
✨Embrace the present moment (5:55)
✨Accept yourself (8:19)
✨Certainty (9:41)
✨Engage the fun (10:51)


What creates Peace in my relationship is : trust, open -communication, friendship/ companionship/ having fun, not taking life too seriously, enjoying the present moment and make the best out of it ❤️❤️❤️


I feel at peace in the relationship when he follows through on his word. When he says we'll do something together, and he steps up to make it happen without letting anything stop him. When he says he's going to create something for me, and doesn't let anything sway him from doing so.

And since we are One, I see how I need to apply these rules to myself - not outwardly, but inwardly, by holding myself accountable to follow through on the steps in my own dream and set an example/lead the way to the Possible... and to push myself to be Better at Life.


Be his peace…and he will return that peace if he is willing to commit to an authentic partnership with you.


Someone who messages me or talks to me when he says he will, but also lets me know when he won't be able to. He sets up this expectation that I will be silent for part or all of the day, and that makes me feel like he cares and that I am important in his life. This makes me feel comfortable with him b/c he is reliable in my eyes.


I feel at peace when he is consistent.


What creates peace is when my partnership doesn't dance around his issues, we discuss it and actually come to a resolution.


I love the acronym for peace! That's very helpful 🙂
I feel at peace when a man does what he says he will do. And I can see that by his actions, he thought about me. I wanna know that I am on his mind.


Thank you, Matt. Been watching you for 3 years now and have no regrets. Not only do you give relationship advice, you've actually helped me value myself and cultivate a better relationship with me ❤
Thank you again, sir


Consistency brings me peace. That includes trust- I trust he’ll do his best with whatever situation arises. Calmness also brings great peace. The ability of the man to assess things before he reacts.
Thanks Mat!


What makes a woman stand out- is Being the REAL Her!


Being included, supported, and loved for who I am. 💜 🙏🏾


I value consistency and trust above all else. I also think it is very important to find out early on what the other persons love language is. Not knowing this can cause a lot of hurt feelings.


Knowing I am able to honestly communicate my feelings brings much peace. My husband and I began our relationship committing to this, and we are in our 29th year of marriage.


Have been that woman, but the man I recently met was at first very attracted to me but won't be inconvenienced to pursue. I was willing to find the diamond in the rough, but not finding it. Next.


The crazy thing is… I'm blind and I feel like I was supposed to hear this… Not that that was the point of the video, but it spoke to me.


What creates peace & safety for me in a relationship are these things: when he accepts me as I am; keeps his word; communication is welcomed & positive.
Thanks for this PEACE concept. I really lke this; it is a valuable mind-set.


On the first dates, as a woman, you try to be nice, easygoing, relaxed...I mean you are just having a date with a guy that you don't know very, you just relax...of course men like that, everybody likes that. The problem is that you start a relationship with this guy and you try to keep this "peace". And somehow your role is being (consciously) a nice happy person, which is good. But, that's dangerous territory: the correct guy is going to appreciate and value you. The wrong guy is going to want to take advantage of that. And they are going to push and push and see how long or how deep are you willing to keep this "peace". So that good trait of you, it's becoming your worst sentence. But, because you are naturally a nice, easygoing person you don't put much attention in the beginning, until you feel you are empty inside, and you realize he doesn't care about you. He only wants to take, not to be bothered, suck all your energy and feel the "peace". And if some day you try to ask something or tell him anything, he is going to get mad and you become an annoying woman. So...I don't buy it.
