Ten Strategies of a World-Class Security Operations Center

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The global talent shortage for cybersecurity skills means that the average Security Operation Center (SOC) is a lean group, shouldered with the enormous task of protecting the broader organization. A SANS survey found that the average SOC at organizations with 10,000 or less employees consisted of just two to five full-time employees.

Therefore, it’s of critical importance that you design and operate your SOC to maximize efficiency and to avoid the pitfalls that hamper many teams, including:
- Weak internal visibility into critical systems and tools
- Alert volumes that vastly outpace analyst-throughput capacities
- High team member turnover
- Lack of dedicated engineering resources

From this webcast, learn best practices that can transform a common security team into an elite, world-class SOC. This webcast is sponsored by Corelight and presented by Carson Zimmerman, a security operations practitioner with more than 15 years experience and a current Senior Security Engineering Lead at Microsoft.

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