Timeline of Mars, Phobos, and Deimos: From Formation to Ending

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This is a complete timeline of Mars and its moons, and will likely be my last vid for a long time due to school
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Update on my personal situation: There are many reasons why I have decided to stop making videos, some of which I will state here
1. school work
2. youtube's deteriorating situation, with random strikes, severe algorithm issues, and increasingly toxic users
3. not knowing what video I should do next (since I don't think mercury and venus would have enough events going for them to make them into full videos)
Also, I know that I said I will start uploading again this summer, but now I have plans to start a part-time job and have far more summer work than I expected. This leaves almost no time at all for videos, so even if youtube's situation isn't so awful and I still got good ideas videos couldn't come, I'm very sorry to everyone who I disappointed with this.
thank you all for following me for all this time, I will have fond memories of much of the time I spent here, but given school work, youtube's deterioration, and running out of video ideas it has came to an end. Farewell.


Mars’ second chance at housing life comes to a depressing end
Music: **triumphant fanfare** **rounds of applause**


I like how the music is war-like and Mars is the god of war. Amazing.


I also really like how well synced the music is with the events, like at 3:47 where the music becomes even more uplifting just as Mars starts getting vegetation.


4.5 billion years from now: "life is questionable."
Forests and grasslands: "Never tell me the odds."


I like how for short amount of time life emerged on Mars. Like it is incredible. Imagine civilization on mars looking at Earth that by this time would be entirely dead.


i really like how well the music is with the events, like at 2:55 where the music becomes more uplifting just as mars starts earning water


"It was a short amount of time, but atleast you were given a second chance to rise and shine"
-mars last quotes before absorbed by sun black dwarf -


This and your Earth history video showcase 1 important thing, that life has a brief window to exist and figure out how to survive in a hostile universe that wants to kill you at every turn in horrific ways


Amazing how this entire solar system timeline stuff started from a single video from Algol. And now MrPlasma's now as gone as Algol himself.


The graphics in your videos are fantastic, the music definitely makes it cinematic the attention to detail is also great :D Can't wait for venus tiz one of my fav planets


My only real criticism of this one is that you coulda done what you did with the Earth one, and had the planet take up most of the screen, and then had the moons' orbits in a separate, smaller box, possibly with a small image of Mars in the middle so you could get an idea how close they were orbiting. Mars had really interesting changes in geography and overall appearance, which are harder to see than they should be, because Mars looks so small in this.

I think that if you remake this, or if you make more videos like this with other planets, you should use a layout that's a hybrid of this and the Earth one.
so: have the timeline like you do in this one, at the bottom where it shows geological eras/eons/periods/epochs etc, have the land statistics in the lower left, and in the upper right, have the moons' orbits liek you did with Earth, except put a small picture of Mars in the center that's to-scale with the orbit of Phobos. I really don't think you need the overview of the entire solar system, you really only need the inner planets. ...That is, unless you had the Earth-Theia collision and/or the Fifth Giant/Planet Nine ejection/exile, and I didn't notice it. And by exile, I mean it was ejected to the EDGE of the solar system, but not ejected OUT of the system.

Keeping the ESI and atmosphere pressure would be a good idea, and als can you stop putting anything in the upper left edge? That makes it hard to see in full screen unless it's playing and I'm not moving the mouse. wwhen I pause it or move the mouse, the video title shows up and obscures the time and temperature.
I also find it hilarious that for a large portion of the Amazonian, the moons are warmer than Mars despite Mars having a thin atmosphere that should be able to trap even if just a tiny bit of solar heat with whatever weak greenhouse effect it has.


Man this is like the best animation ever!! I think the next one is the timeline of Venus!!


These videos keep getting better, nice job!


If mars' history were condensed to 1 year

Pre-Noachian=January 1-January 24
Noachian=January 25- Feburary 18
Hesperian= Feburary 19-March 31
Amazonian=April 1-December 31


Thank you for making the earth survive


Maybe do a timeline like this for Venus? It has a few interesting things going on over its existence too!


The part when Mars was with life with that music is just epic.


I like howu nlike the earth video where the music is dramatic at the end because earth is dying ( literally its life is dying, its water, everything) the music here is the opposite, showing how mars is being revived and habitale ( longer than after its formation )


I referenced this video on Scott Buckley's official upload of the song you used here, and HE HEARTED IT.
