Top 10 UFOs Caught On Camera

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Are we alone in the universe? This evidence suggests we aren’t! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most famous, argued about, and unusual videos of unidentified flying objects. Our countdown includes STS-48 Incident, Phoenix Lights, Aguadilla Airport Incident, and more! Have YOU ever seen a UFO? Let us know in the comments!

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#UFO #Aliens #Caught
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Two things are certain. One: Somebody knows the truth. Two: It's not me.


It’s like the aliens know when and where the people with the shittiest cameras/phones will be to record them.


" Oh look! It's UFO"
" Quick! bring out our worst camera with 144pxl to record!"


It's naive to think that humans are alone, this universe is too vast.


In 1972 I was 60 ft away from the Northwestern Univ observatory sitting in a car talking to a friend at 11:15 pm when a UFO landed about 10 ft above the observatory. The spacecraft was first seen as a bright star in the sky. Then within about 10 seconds, it was suddenly upon us. It looked exactly like a typical "flying saucer." When it was rushing towards us it seemed to be going 1000's of miles per second, but it made no noise. There was no sonic boom sound. When it came to the observatory it came to a dead stop in mid-air directly over the observatory. I tried to get out to look at it more closely but my friend grabbed my arm tightly and refused to let go. He was terrified. It was approx 90 ft long., a greyish-silver color with swirling white lights on the bottom. After approx 5 or 6 minutes it moved to the right about 30-40 ft then shot away at meteoric speed and was completely out of sight in 1 or 2 seconds.


2020s been such a weird year that even govt releasing UFO videos like it's no big deal.


F18 pilot : It shot away at a speed I've never seen before and disappeared in a second. Skeptic : It was just a plane


For years I told myself, there are perfectly rational, scientific explanations for nearly all of these sightings. Until a few months ago....
We were on a camping trip, staying up late and watching the stars. At around 2 in the morning, all of us witnessed a MASSIVE unidentifiable flying object peek over the horizon. At first it looked almost like a giant caterpillar made of light. Until it began to roll into a different position. At which point it appeared to throttle up. The lights got much brighter and we could make out the faint outline of this small city sized object quickly skip out of the atmosphere and across the sky. I was skeptical, but now I am a believer.


I'm reasonably certain Naval Aviators can tell the difference between a UFO and another military aircraft. Especially in Super Hornets where there are two aviators.


It's 2020.. Aliens? Why not...bring it on.


I love how chill we are about Aliens lol. A dude turning water to wine is more believable for some reason....


Think about how big our oceans are, and how we have only explored about 12% of what's down there. Now think about how tiny our oceans are compared to the universe. In ALL that unknown it's virtually impossible that we are alone.


the fact that the govt even released them just goes to show how meaningless they were compared to other videos they have sealed. wow.


UFO's remind me of a disappointed parent.
They created us, now they're just periodically checking in on us to make sure we're still alive lol.


I saw a triangle in 1998 in Washington. I was driving on the freeway when my car suddenly shut off. As I was trying to restart it I noticed out of my left window an enormous triangle holding still just above the treeline. 3 incredibly bright white lights on the bottom. I rolled my window down and there was no noise whatsoever. I wish now I had pulled over but the amazement and disbelief in what I witnessed was a form of shock.


When I was 8 I was at my family’s farm in Taralga, Australia. It was night and I saw a white light moving around in the sky very erratically in all directions. After about 5 minutes, it flew down really low, and passed right over my head, and I could see that it was a “brown hockey puck” shaped object and the light seemed like it wasn’t coming from any light source at all. It was more like a rainbow coloured halo that surrounded the craft and had long thin streaks of light all jutting out of the halo. It also kind of looked like it was underwater, there was like a distortion that was making the craft move and bend like you were viewing it through a few metres of crystal clear water.


Plot twist: Those are otherworldly drone's, recording a reality show called "Earth".


The object photographed by the Chilean Navy helicopter was not visible on their HD camera or radar. It was only visible using an infrared camera which detects temperature variations, especially heat. When you figure that one out, let me know.


They could try to change the name to UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) all they want, UFO is still cooler sounding.


After the year we've all had, having aliens visit would be very welcome!
