The Power of Privacy – documentary film

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In this film, Aleks Krotoski travels the world to undergo challenges that explore our digital life in the 21st century. Watch her be stalked and hacked, fight to get leaked documents back, dive into open data and live in a futuristic home that monitors her every move.

Winner of British Animation Awards 2016: Best Film/TV Graphics Jury Citation: 'For its distinctive graphic design and intelligent fusion of content and style, precision in conveying information, charm and visual wit.'

Commissioning editor Robin Hough
Script Consultant / Presenter Aleks Krotoski
Creative director Alistair Campbell
Producer Carrie Budge
Executive producer Amelie von Harrach
Director Callum Cooper
Writers Carrie Budge, Callum Cooper
Director of Animation Matthias Hoegg
Director of photography Michael Latham
Editor Anna Meller @ Buillion
Sound Design Mauricio d'Orey
VO Sound Engineer Jared Nuget
Assistant Animators Daniela Negrin Ochoa, Iria Lopez
VFX assistant Caine Henchman
Production assistants Anna Proctor, Rebecca Gaines, Natalie Brook-Reynolds
Researchers Hannah Whittingham, Sarah Streicher
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I’m an exec at a tech company. Here’s my privacy tips. Have at least 2 bank accounts at different banks. 1 use for everything online. 2nd for physical purchases & mortgage or important big payments. Ideally that would be your 3rd account. Have a separate sim/phone for all your social media & internet accounts. Private phone for work & family/close friends, no free/social apps allowed on this phone. Emails only via computer. Every device must have a VPN service. No Alexa, no Siri. Ever. No cloud, only backup to private server. Smart home must be backed to private server not company, possibility to override to physical access. Share private matters in person, phones away, airplane mode on. Don’t sleep with phone near your pillow, the signals are strong enough to cause health risks.


Great documentary. I hope people realize that they need to protect their privacy and not just hand personal information out to everyone. Even many of my close friends and family don't fully realize the value of information and the power it gives.


The greatest security threat to your devices is yourself, as the people "hacking" her demonstrated, if you don't pay attention you'll be easily compromised.


the more i learn about these topics, the more i want to disconnect myself from the internet... but it's not that easy. what i can say is, that i will NEVER use anything related to IoT at least...


Well done!! Well researched, well thought out, well composed. Thank you for you and your team's efforts. I, for one, will spread the word.


I had 2 ex-girlfriends that joined forces against me, once they found out that I married a Latino girl, they hacked into our emails, cell phones, installed Trojan horses on our computers, deleted my business mail, and harassed my wife during pregnancy. My wife was so stressed out that was 3 times bleeding, and had to ho to a hospital. We almost lost our child. I went to FBI for help, and they simply didn't care. According to them, no crime was committed. Why am I paying taxes?


The largest hole in any person's security is themselves. Devices are far harder to crack than a person.


Man, I wish I could go into a time machine and tell myself 21-22 years ago to NEVER sign up for an email address. EVER. I wouldn't have signed up for anything else and thus, would have set a precedent for myself. I was very reluctant then. I saw no point in it. I was happy and stress free writing checks, getting snail mail, calling people up and hearing their voices instead of incessant texts and notifications. Having a paper trail! My gut was right - now look where humanity is! Call me an old codger, I don't care.


oh I just want to cut those guy's mustaches off.


(I promise to whoever reads this comment I am a sane and logical person; as this may be difficult for some to understand; judge me accordingly) As a mathematician (really), I can see where this is all going and sadly, it is not a happy ending in the "linear" direction we are heading. There is a constant "war" between privacy and security. Like a snake and a squirrel. The stronger the snakes venom becomes, the stronger the squirrel's resistance to it becomes and back and forth. In the linear direction we are headed, unless a major event happens in the world that causes change, or a regression in human technological production,  eventually privacy and security are going to become equal to each other. And the dignity, uniqueness and individuality of what it means to be "human" will converge into unity as a single identified form of intelligence. To those that choose to conform and submit to this, interconnection, they will no longer have identity as we know it but be like a single "number" and a single interconnected "brain" and share in each other's secrets, sins, memories and imperfections. It will be like all of mankind is one, single soul of selfishness and a love for power. This may sound like it's nonsensical, but I can assure you if we keep heading the direction we are, mathematically and logically,  we will eventually get there. This can be mathematically projected. Both security and privacy will lose and fall into the trap of our arrogance, love of power, convenience and selfishness...until God steps in to judge the world and overthrow our chosen unity of sin. ...I may sound like a person out of their mind to some; as this may be understandably very difficult to grasp as a rational, realistic outcome, but I promise it is a very, very real threat. And we will eventually get there. Our choice now is are we going to get there sooner or later. Will we delay this outcome or willingly converge to this outcome, knowing it is inevitable? If I didn't see the picture and mathematical reasoning behind such statements, I would probably laugh at how ridiculous this all sounds...but it is truly real and scientific--this is not just something based on creativity; the mention of God depends on faith, for which I believe in a higher power, and I believe the higher power is the Christian God based on much evidence, both mathematical and biblical evidence. Technologically speaking, it is also possible to extract intelligence data directly from the human brain. Another form of surveillance that is seen as nonsense to some that do not understand the science behind it; that is not currently, but will eventually, get enough attention as to the morality of the use of such technology as it's scope becomes broader and more public. This also just comes down to numbers, it can be very easily mathematically proven and I can say with certainty, such technology is already in use. Look up Bayes' Theorem and the "publically known" implications and applications on cognitive recognition analysis.


What an eye video, I learned so much, including how little I know. Thank you so very much for producing this segment. Much appreciated.


Phone hackers in the 1970's were called "Phreakers", not "freakers".




Good. We are juat developing technology without knowing importance of privacy


The one guy’s mustache made me jealous ngl


Great movie, thank you! I would love to see a follow up on how Facebook, Google, Amazon and other companys are tracking us and what i can do about it if i don't want to be tracked and give away my privacy but still want to be connected with friends and don't move to a remote island.


Regulation concerning IOT is important. Also, why isn’t there more emphasis placed on employee training as well as some type of repercussion for not exercising cyber security awareness when it affects the revenue and branding to this extent? I feel if their career was potentially jeopardized (depending on the situation), they’d be less inclined to “make a mistake.”


Great documentary about privacy. But can you please add subtitles to this video?


Does anybody else who's played the Splinter Cell games think that Aleks sounds exactly like Grimsdottir? I know it's quite nerdy and unrelated to the doc, but I found it brilliantly ironic.


Great documentary. Thanks for posting.
