Smoke Sauna - Black Pirts - Latvia #natural birth #smokesauna

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In Latvia, some of the traditional Black Pirts - Smoke Saunas have survived.
In the documentary BALTIC HEALING, the pirts master Ligita Rudzāte shows us her Black Pirts - Smoke Sauna.
In the past women would come to the Black Pirts to give birth. There is a special stone to sit, where the midwife could catch the baby.

BALTIC HEALING. A Documentary by Baiba Baika and Andrea Lötscher, 2024, 93 Min.

#natural birth #birth #BalticHealing #NatureRituals #PlantWisdom #NatureHealing #NatureConnection #Wheeloftheyear #summersolstice #smokesauna #saunaculture #saunatraditions #Latviansauna #Latvia #Lettland #Ethnomedizin #Jahreskreisfeste #Sommersonnenwende #Naturrituale #Jahreskreis #traditionelle Medizin #AlternativMedizin #Gesundheitundwohlbefinden #psychedelics #mushrooms #entheogens #amanita #amanitamuscaria🍄
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