Even in death she only thought of her little girl | Anne Boleyn in the Tower of London #art #history

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In the final months of her life, Anne Boleyn, awaiting execution in the Tower of London, found solace in purchasing clothes for her two-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. Records from the National Archives reveal that Anne ordered an orange velvet gown, a yellow satin kirtle, and a black muffler (scarf), as well as new caps for Elizabeth. Dr. Tracy Borman, a leading Tudor historian, highlights how this act humanizes Anne, showing that even as she faced charges of treason and adultery, her thoughts remained with her child. Despite the looming threat of death, Anne’s last recorded actions suggest a mother trying to provide for her daughter in whatever small ways she could.

Elizabeth, who was not yet three when her mother was executed, rarely spoke of Anne during her reign, leading many to assume that Anne had little influence on her. However, Dr. Borman’s research challenges this notion, revealing that Henry VIII deliberately erased Anne’s legacy to tarnish her reputation. While Elizabeth publicly aligned herself with her father, the truth, according to Borman, was far more complex. Anne’s story, once overshadowed by the circumstances of her downfall, played a crucial, if often overlooked, role in shaping Elizabeth, the monarch who would go on to define an era.
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Elizabeth ending her direct bloodline was the cherry on top


She knew that she wasn’t going to be around for long. What a sweet gesture she made for her baby before she’s long gone. ❤


Her red-haired daughter was also literally Queen Elizabeth the 1st. The virgin queen. One of the greatest rulers in British history or something like that. A FEMALE ruler who had sole ownership of that crown for so much longer than was expected or even imagined in the first place.


Princess Elizabeth would turn out to be a much more glorious monarch that Henry VIII wanted or deserved


I think she maybe having anxiety worrying about the life of her daughter might be without her. I did the same thing when I thought I was going to die, I bought things for my son so he never forget about me.


She loved her daughter. Despite how she is remembered in history she loved her child till her very last day.


She knew soon no one would buy Elizabeth good clothing because her father would soon cast her off, as he’d done his marriage. She wanted her baby taken care of.


I think part of why Elizabeth never married is because (1) she knew what marriage did (2) she wanted to punish Henry. The Tudor rule ended with Anne Boleyn's daughter. The Stewarts were descended from the Tudors through the female line.


I can’t fathom being condemned to death while having a toddler. Like, being purposefully robbed of getting to see your child grow up and knowing your baby won’t ever really know his/her mother and will be forced to grow up without you. Just evil.


She also purchaed a black muffler and caps for Elizabeth... When you think about it, its aad that these were the last items Elizabeth would have for quite sometime, for years afterwards Henry neglected Elizabeth, her gentlewomen would complain to Henry that she outgrew her clothes, that they were rather worn, Anne's buying her daughter these items was well reasoned, this was a highly intelligent woman whom was ensuring Elizabeth had fine clothes in the event that she might never see her again, sad really that all those false charges actually stood, back then they were legal today we know there would be a different outcome... Interestingly I wonder why Elizabeth never did was Mary I did by "airbrushing history" albeit with reversals of her being a b*stard... Anne'a image was changed with Elizabethan's being sympathetic towards Anne... 🤔


They didn't even let her hold Elizabeth they took her away before Anne was executed.


Imagine Elizabeth wearing her mom's gifts, not caring if the measurements were off or the colors didnt match her. After all, those were her mother's last gifts


It's very telling that the one woman Henry had executed, their only child, a female, was the longest living on the crown, and the last of the direct bloodline of the Tudor Dynasty.


She was give an option where she could live but Elizabeth would lose all claim to the crown. Instead she sacrificed her life so her daughter could be queen


You guys remember that scene in Dr. Who where Van Gogh goes to the future and sees how much people admire a
his art in a museum? I dream of a scene like that with Anne getting a glimpse of her daughter’s golden age legacy…


I love to imagine....that as an act of rebellion, and as a snub against her fathers name and legacy, ...for killing her mother, and for essentially abandoning her as a baby....Anne's red-haired daughter, deliberately chose not to marry and have children (possibly sons)...and in doing so knowingly ended Henry's legitimate line


That’s so sweet and that just shows a MOTHERS LOVE❤❤️‍🩹❤️


Dying isn't anywhere near as scary as the thought of leaving your children behind, especially little children 😭😭😭


I don't think Anne Boleyn had much of a choice. She's seen us the bad guy, but she was put in a very precarious situation by not only her father, but also the king himself. Imagine if she would have completely turned him down. She would have lost her head then. Women didn't have much of a choice at the time. She's always betrayed as the bad guy, but I see her as a tragedy of her circumstance as a beautiful woman of her time that drew the king's eye. Did she really have a choice?


I wish I could ask Queen Elizabeth I what her Mother was like in her own words. I bet she loved her Mother
