The Loving Parent Guidebook Opening Meditation for Study Groups ~ Ken Francis, M.S.

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Try this at the beginning of your next Loving Parent study group or ACA meeting.

The Loving Parent Guidebook (LPG) is literature from the Adult Children of Alcoholic or other Dysfunctional Families fellowship. It is a workbook which draws upon many Psychological Theories and places an ACA spin onto them. Internal Family Systems Theory, DBT (Dialetical Behavior Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) have been rebranded to fit the ACA construct. I have used these theories in my professional practice for years. The LPG provides the public with their own tool for growth and serenity. This Loving Parent Guidebook is the process to help you gain self compassion and self kindness. Welcome fellow travelers. Whether you are in a Loving Parent Guidebook study group, or working this with a sponsor or fellow traveler, I hope this video offers clarity, guidance, and inspiration.

This meditation is a suggestion for beginning a Loving Parent Guidebook study group. It is a grounding exercise, designed to help members gain additional inward focus.

The LPG is still in review by the ACA WSO (World Service Organization). This video is not related to the WSO or Kaiser Permanente, my employer.

I'm Ken Francis, M.S., California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of The Intimacy Gram and The Gratitude Snorkel and Other Bedtime Stories. I specialize in Alcohol Addiction treatment, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, trauma recovery, and group therapy. I believe in life balance and building community support. Please check out my other videos as they are a good resource for information on substance abuse, trauma, motivation, and gratitude. 

With Covid-19 social distancing practices, I have had to stop teaching classes at my clinic. This video and others are my attempt to make my educational topics available to my patients. I have placed them on YouTube so others can benefit. Please like and subscribe to get more videos on recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Mindfulness, good Mental Health and Self Care.

Please feel free to share this ACoA podcast so that others can benefit!

#The_Intimacy_Gram #adultchildrenofalcoholics #positivity #positivethoughts #recoveryquotes #recoveryhappens

Kenneth Francis
Рекомендации по теме

Fantastic!!! That’s just what my sponsee and I are doing right now! We shall follow along!❤


Are you going to take us through the workbook?
