Guillow's De Havilland DHC Beaver top relaxing seaplane model building

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In this video the presentation and building of a balsa rubber powered plane. From Guillow's the DHC-2 Beaver with floaters. Different skills are required in any modeling field, the more you know the more your models will be better. Hope you enjoy to visit a new (for this channel) branch of modeling.
link to part 2:
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As a kid in Northern Saskatchewan I spent a lot of time hanging out at the docks where the planes came in and left. Me and my buddies held the pilots as gods. The Beaver was the work horse of the bush plane outfits. I got to fly out of a friend’s cabin one winter morning when a Beaver on skis landed on the ice out in the bay. My dad had sent it to pick me up and I had no idea it was coming. I climbed aboard to find there was only one seat; the pilot’s. The rest of the cabin was taken up by an old trapper and a dozen burlap sacks of frozen pelts. He was sitting on one and gestured to me to pick another. I flew home, a thirty minute flight, sitting on a bloody burlap sack of frozen skins. I was in heaven. That was some 55 years ago. I started building this kit today and plan to paint it in La Ronge Aviation livery in memory of that flight. Great looking model by the way.


Liked your video very much. I’m 73 and I used to build model planes when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s . I just started again almost a lost art but it’s coming back. Very relaxing and fun.


Very fun video. I am starting this same model this week. I am still reading instructions and trying to figure out the plans at this point. Thank you for showing us how it is done!


Thank you. I am going to build the Guillow’s Bever now.


Very nice model, I built the Dumas #230 Beaver in walnut scale, quite a small plane but very enjoyable building and good looking.


I built model cars as a child. now i have children, whom are almost ready to leave the nest, i wanna get back into modeling. I fly foam planes, but would love to fly something hand-built of this quality. although, i'm not the most delicate person, so i highly doubt it would turn out anything like this superb beauty! Ty for the video, it's very helpful.

edit: fix typos


Awesome work! I love these kits and I love this plane. I am from Canada and I have seen what you described, with the planes taking off and landing on lakes surrounded by bears and forests. Your video has inspired me to finish some of my own building projects, and I will keep coming back to your channel for more!


I am new to this hobby is this a good airplane to start with or would it be better to go with a simple kit.


I built this same plane and covering it in tissue was much easier before assembling the airplane


Hello I am a new subscriber to your Channel hope you're still out there I would like to ask on the beaver de Havilland from grillo's does it come with the floats or did you have to order plans for those I enjoyed your video on the beaver hope you're still going at it please let me know have a super great day


That prop is way too small. Prop diameter should be as large as you can manage, but minimum is square root of wing area.
