US General: Why JAPAN cares about TAIWAN and is threatened by China

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What is the US Army doing in Japan, what do the Asian allies expect from the US Military, why does the First Island Chain matter? How much have tensions increased, how did China change and how close is Taiwan to Japanese territory? Major General Joel Vowell, Commanding General, U.S. Army Japan gave this press briefing on April 20, 2023 from Tokyo.

This context is extremely important to understand the geopolitical situation of which Taiwan is just one - albeit very important - part.

Major General Vowell is also asked about reports that 200 US soldiers are currently stationed in Taiwan.

(c) video material: US Army

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Finally an official that speaks extemporary.


When US and Japan stand firm to express strong determination to support Taiwan, China will reconsider the timing.

People of Taiwan menially pray for God's protection, that HE will send more and more countries to join in supporting Taiwan.

Thanks to all of you!


We don’t want war, but we need to be ready for one.


Why did Japan invade China during WW2?
Japan actually invaded China before the war began elsewhere, in 1937, and the reasons for doing so are quite obvious. Japan is an island nation, and although the land of cherry blossoms is beautiful it is scarce in natural resources. Japan had for years been pursuing an expansionist policy to secure resources and create an empire. They had been steadily expanding in Manchuria since 1931 and had been fighting border wars against the Soviet Union. In 1937 they staged a false-flag operation - the Marco Polo Bride Incident - as a casus belli and invaded.

The reasons for doing so were mostly the same reasons any empire invades others. Land, resources, population, prestige, sheer power - Japan needed or wanted it all. China was, and is, a colossus, a vast country of 500 million people. There are raw minerals to motorise the army, fuels to power Japan’s navy and air force, rice to feed Japan’s population. China was still in what would later be called the ‘century of humiliation’ - divided, at war with itself, enduring famine and floods. Not unlike the military planners at Hitler’s OKW in Europe did with the Soviet Union, Japan severely underestimated the Chinese will and ability to fight.

But mixed in with the typical reasons for invading were some uniquely Japanese reasons for invading. Following Japan’s victory in the First World War, there had been a massive movement for democracy in Japan, particularly among students. Japanese textile merchants were struggling to compete with Chinese exports, and the Great Depression reduced Japanese exports and profits even more.

At the same time, there was a great revival in Japanese traditions and culture. After the Russo-Japanese War, the First World War and the wars against the USSR, all victories against European powers, it was clear to most Japanese that their traditions and spirit, mixed with European technology, was superior to both European and Asian opponents. At the same time, General Tojo and his military colleagues inspired a fascistic mix of militarism and violent nationalism, centred around ancient traditions and a veneration of the Emperor. Just as in Germany and Italy, a centrepiece of this doctrine was the need to aggressively expand.

The invasion of China was actually in part a compromise between the two opposing doctrines in the Japanese military at the time. Hokushin-ron, ‘northern expansion’ plan, was favoured by the army. It was an invasion of Siberia, Mongolia and Manchuria against the Soviet Union.

Nanshin-ron was the ‘southern expansion’ doctrine favoured by the navy, involving the invasion of Dutch Indonesia and Singapore, Burma and Indochina. This doctrine was the one eventually adopted in 1941, and it was when Japan was persuaded that the USA would be drawn in that they planned desperate, doomed gamble of Peal Harbour.

The only thing the two branches could agree on was an invasion of China. This was a very foolish thing to do. The Japanese were arrogant, in some ways just as imperialist as the western powers, and they believed the war with China would be easy.

“Don’t go fighting with your land armies in China”, was General Montgomery’s second rule of warfare, and this was proven in the decade of war between the two powers. Countless numbers of people died in China’s vast expanses, unwitnessed and unremembered. Rape, mutilation and torture were daily occurrences. We will never know just how many people lost their lives. Perhaps 50, 000, 000 people, maybe more, almost certainly not fewer. This includes around 30 million non-combatants, but the lines between soldier and civilians were so blurred that there is not much point drawing a line.

The sheer, empty size of China, the destructive ferocity of the Japanese soldiers, the huge number of dead - everything about the war is utterly incomprehensible and inconceivable to most in Britain and America. Do not underestimate how much it affects the relationship between Japan and China today, and understand why it does.

The carnage experienced in China’s solemn hills and grief-filled fields is not easily forgotten.


80% of communication is non verbal. It looks as though he feels this is going to happen.


Taiwan is about 1000 miles away from the main island of Japan. Those islands dotting all the way to Taiwan are too small to concern Japan with the rhetoric you are making for the US. We know the false flag you used to bomb Vietnam- the incident of the Gulf of Tonkin.


I support Taiwan's independence as a Filipino I don't want China to be so close to the Philippines coz' I believe that if China successfully invade Taiwan which I think is impossible the territorial expansion of China will continue and the Philippines or Japan could be the next target of China


Without deliberately naming China as an enemy using Containment policy, the General will be redundant.


Talks talks and more talks. Negotiate. Every body at the table. Let's strike a fair deal so everyone is included and agrees. No to war.


Oh Good. The Americans are hear to speak for Japan. God forbid the Japanese make up their own minds and speak for themselves. That would be a disaster.


As a Taiwanese, I'm glad to know how Japan's taking its precaution towards this potential situation and truly have a understanding about the possible outcome.

If China invade Taiwan, and Taiwan have no back ups from Japan, Korea, US, even Philippines, it's likely we are going to lose.

That not only puts Korea in a bigger risk facing N.Korea, but also Japan, and to the global, the entire technology we have will go backwards for a couple years, because Taiwan made 90% of the high-end chips, it's impossible to be replaced in the near 10 years, Samsung from Korea(the second best chip maker in the world) will have to work a couple more years to reach where we are today.

Just imagine your iPhone suddenly went back to a 2015 iPhone, and every software just runs slow or can't be run, simply because the chip inside the phone CPU can't keep up with software.

And all US military weapons like missiles and aircraft will not be able to manufacture, because they need those chips to build these weapons, just so the chips can help them calculate faster and increase accuracy.

If Taiwan got attacked, by any country, it will affected the globe greatly, we have already experienced the GPU shortage during Covid19, if Taiwan got attacked, we will experienced it again, and along with CPU, and it's gonna be years, until Samsung catch up the technology level we are in.

But even with Samsung can be a back up, S. Korea could be the next target by communists after Taiwan fell, so it's very important that people need to understand the consequences of invasion on Taiwan, it affects us all.


There will be everlasting peace in this part of the world if you Yankees go home period.


Dear God, I pray humbly for your intervention to destroy the works of war-mongers.
May they learn that God cannot be mocked.
To God be the glory.


Thank you Sir General for your military perspective and the high cost if war erupts in this region.

The reason why Japan 🇯🇵 cares about Taiwan is because the Taiwanese 🇹🇼 noodles are the best in Asia 🌏. Then, the Japaneae famous "ramen" is in second best. 👌


US forces are in Japan not by the host's choice but by force after WWII. As simple as that.


Similarly China should base its forces in Cuba and Nicaragua. How about a Cuba Relations Act? and a Nicaragua Relations Act?


I am Japanese but our intention does not matter here. Since Japan is a vassal state of the USA, we especially Okinawa would be the first casualties of the USA proxy war. It would be almost automatic. Tons of SDF soldiers would get killed not for Japan but for Taiwan and the USA.


The UN resolution 2758 the One-China policy The historical facts have clearly shown that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The Taiwan region is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. All members of the UN including the Secretariat of the UN recognised the one-China policy dealing with Taiwan-related affairs. These principles have been universally recognized by the international community including the United States. In fact The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China. So why aggravate the Chinese government with threats of war. Taiwan is part of China, not the US. The US is ten thousand miles away on the other side of the Pacific. Just shows how arrogant and hypocritical the United States government is.


excuse me Mr. War Criminal, I am from the Philippines and to be clear, There's a lot of topics, concerns, problems, gossips and everything under the sun that are often parts of the Filipinos daily discussion, talking points or to draw opinion with; but sadly Taiwan is not a part of it, If Taiwan doesn't even spark Filipinos enthusiasm... How can you say that Taiwan is so important to us Filipinos that we willingly handed our country to the US to be their battleground and are willing to be part of the number of civilian casualty of the war that you have created? Why would we sacrifice our lives for Taiwan that most Filipinos have no idea what it is and they don't give a damn and waste of time?


