Now’s the Moment: Move from Power BI Premium to Microsoft Fabric

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Ready to unlock new possibilities in your analytics journey? Adam talks about how to migrate your capacity from P SKU to F SKU and some things to be aware of. If you still just want to use Power BI only, you still can!

Important update coming to Power BI Premium licensing

Microsoft Fabric Pricing Page

Microsoft Fabric Features by SKU type

Automate your migration to Microsoft Fabric capacities


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#MicrosoftFabric #PowerBI #GuyInACube
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If only there was a video to explain WTH is MS Fabric.


Good video but really demonstrates that the move potentially leads to a lot of work & issues to resolve & a more expensive subscription for ultimately very little benefit / new functionality at this point in time.

Now is the time to switch only because we are being forced to, not because a lot of users want to.



Thanks for sharing the video about Fabric and Power BI Premium capacity.

From my perspective, while Microsoft may not be explicitly "forcing" customers to use Fabric, retiring Power BI Premium capacity leaves little choice. Fabric’s pricing is higher due to its expanded capabilities, making it impractical for those who only need BI tools. So, in reality, many customers are pushed toward adopting Fabric capacity and are encouraged to explore new use cases in data science, real-time analytics, and beyond.


Nobody is against moving to Fabric, but the costs, THE COSTS rise almost exponentially and currently the Fabric services vs BI do not justify such an increase in price


If you can't make licensing model understand in less than 5 minutes than it's too complex. Why it needs to be so complex compared to competitors?


Great video, Adam. This helped me to get clear on the switchover timing for various scenarios. I got a little confused about the straight PSKU to FSKU switch. Seems like I have to purchase the new FSKU to switch to while I'm still paying for my PSKU. How does that billing overlap get handled?


consolidation and simplifications is good, it's what powerbi once did before it got involved in several other businesses with many other channels(products bundled through multiple interfaces with various capacity licenses and it's own diploma, in a lake, with a jumpable shark. I miss the old approach of powerbi as a tool rather than a holistic enterprise strategic intistive


We already started implementation of Fabric and the whole idea of the scalability with capacity is brilliant. I also cannot see why some of the comments are that negative regarding the costs. In comparsion, Fabric capacity costs the same as Power Premium capacity.
Unfortunatly, there are many issues regarding automation which cause serious troubles for the implementation of enterprise data platforms. There are couple of cases where you can't use service principles for authentication for deployment, which is a no-go. Also, the benefits of onelake mode for power bi comes with painful limitations. The connection from data pipelines have to use global connections which cannot be parametrized and are also bad for automation. And the inability to connect from within Fabric to the most important use case for many companies (SAP data) is also bad news.
I know that Microsoft works on many of those topics and I really hope that it turns out that Microsoft continues putting that much effort and an excellent team for making Fabric better as they did for years with Power BI. Come on and deliver!


Adam, thanks for the video. But it is not the same. Fabric is coming too pricy. And it doesn't consider people who is just data analyst which doing data analytics. This is not wechat. We dont want one tool for everything. Some people just need data engineering tools. Some people need just data visualization tools. Keep them separate! It is not right to say that they are the same things. Nobody asked for the bundle. And they are putting it to our throat.


Ours is planned for next week, though doing it through the capacity admin interface rather than via the workspace settings as I don't want it to take the full 2 hour change window :)


Thanks Adam! Q:How can I minimize the computational cost of Staging Lake House in Fabric Capacity? Is there a way to automate cleaning the staging Lake House after Data flows run?
Thanks again for your time.


Great to have this video. I want to share this with my Admins. When will this be public? I am working on getting them to join Guy in a Cube. Thanks


hope there will be an option for fabric per user


Thanks Adam! Curious to know if Fabric can be a standalone platform or still need to have Databricks as data source? A comparision video between Fabric & Databricks would really help. Thank you!


What I don't like about having to switch to Fabric capacity is that it is more expensive (F64 reserved instance is more than P1), but if we only want to use PowerBI like we do now we pay extra for no reason!?


Will there be any changes to PBI Premium per User?


Hi Adam,

Thanks for the video.

We currently have Power BI Premium P2 capacity under an EA agreement expiring on June 30th. With our E5 license, Power BI Premium costs approximately $60, 000 per year.

We’re looking to migrate Power BI to Fabric capacity. Could you clarify the equivalent Fabric capacity in terms of both performance and cost?


Something is going to break, like always 😂


Is Copilot not enable for Power BI embedded workspace?


I just started using Power Bi and now something new?
