Aquarist | Trailer | STEAM

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Welcome to the new area in Aquarist - a beautiful cave accessible from the oceanarium level! 🐠🐚 There are many surprises in the dark, including glowing fish and dangerous electric catfish! 🐟 Can you spot them all?

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A letter to the makers of the game Aquarist...
This is a fun game but for how this company has treated its players on the console is beyond abysmal. It's truly horrendous the amount of unprofessionalism displayed throughout the game. First, we were locked in the basement for months because the paint roller wasn't working, and you couldn't advance in the game past the tutorial without the use of the paint roller. And while it was happening, I couldn't find even ONE mention ANYWHERE of, "Oh we're sorry this happened, we're aware of the issue and we're trying to solve it." NOTHING that showed us console players you cared about the issues. After that, the creative mode wasn't working. And I mean really not working. It was so bad that even the exit to menu button wasn't functional. Anything you wanted to do in the game just wasn't operational. This previous update fixed some of the issues, not all. Does the update remove the total lack of professionalism displayed to us PS4 users? Not one bit! When you can't get the buttons to add soil to a tank right, that's pretty bad. Next, whoever placed the controls for the console into the game needs to be fired. And I'm not being unkind about that what-so-ever. It's putting it lightly. You NEED to be able to use the bone washing station in order to progress in the game once you get to the museum. But you can't use it. The buttons are all wrong! You use R2 to put the bone into the bone washing station. They got that part right. But after that, it's just all wrong on PS4 and PS5. If you get a bone into the bone washing station and hold down R2 it will show a tiny animation in the lower left corner of the screen that looks like water spraying. The guide says to use R1 and RB (What the hell is RB? Do they mean R3 instead, if so get your terms right!) and R1. If you follow instructions and hold down R1 (whatever RB is) and R2, it does NOTHING. You can spend HOURS trying all kinds of button combinations and the bone washing station still WILL NOT WORK! It's locked in the basement all over again. Keeping you from all game progression. (By the way, if you meant RB as in Right Bumper, that's an Xbox term, not PS4!) Now, if you think that's not enough to get someone fired for unprofessionalism, please let me point out that if you go to one of your fish, hit the circle button then hit the fish icon that lets you play as the fish in order to get your fish to grow bigger, please note the buttons for PS4.. The instructions on PS4 on how to get your fish to grow bigger are listed as WSAD C and Z. HOW IN THE HELL am I supposed to use the buttons WSAD C and Z when on PS4? Those are PC buttons! HOW WAS THIS EVEN MISSED! Did you even test your game for the console! As for the specialized fish that the players on PC are getting, we're not even offered that, at all. Most PC players are getting a crate of rare fish that show up in a box in the basement once you reach a certain game stage. I've tested this game through 3 playthroughs trying to trigger these rare fish to show up in the crate, nothing. It could be I'm not doing something right, but MOSTLY, there should be a prompt that will TELL YOU how to get those rare fish. The koi fish garden isn't offered on PS4. At all. I've 2 million in coins I've saved, thinking I just needed to earn more money. Nothing. Koi garden isn't available on PS4. Or something is messed up. Like the bone washing station being broken.
In the ocean the PS4 players are not offered the jellyfish cages. So that's off the to-do list. One more thing we can't do that's on the PC version. One more thing PS4 console players are screwed out of. During the work assignment for the lady to do the piranha tank, sometimes the prompt to put the goldfish into the tank to feed to the piranha to show how aggressive they are does not' trigger, leaving the player guessing what they're supposed to do next. If not for YouTube streamers I'd still be stuck. It happened to me twice. And took a considerable amount of time finding the right YouTube stream in order to fix it. By the way, THANK YOU TO ALL who streamed this game on YouTube. It helped us PS4 players a LOT when trying to find ways around all the game bugs!
Finally, if you play the game as THEY TELL YOU TO PLAY IT, it's unplayable during the end game for console users. Even without all the add-ons you PC players get, it's nearly unplayable. What do I mean? I mean all my sharks died in my large ocean exhibit, twice! Not because I neglected them. But because the frame rate drops so damn much the character is BARELY moving! I timed it. I took my character two FULL minutes to turn all the way round Two minutes just to turn 180. Walking in time to feed your fish? Forget it! The shark tank is one of the coolest fish tanks in the game, and you can't enjoy it because the frame rate is too horrendous! I checked my net speed; it was better than average. Even then, the frame rate in the game was so bad, I couldn't get from the front of the exhibit to the cave exhibits MANY TIMES in a prompt enough manner to feed my fish, not for lack of trying. I'm glad I didn't go ALL OUT with my tanks and design them to the max. Good lord, how would the game handle then? In some places the backgrounds you place on the tanks don't work. You can buy a background, it says it goes onto the tank when you click it, but then it's the same color as before, no change. As well as the tanks going blank, things vanishing in the tanks, or a blue film appearing over the tanks making them hard to see into. I've showed all these problems here on my stream. And there are some walls we SHOULD be able to add new wall colors to, can't.
So suggestions: Fix the bugs on the console. Fix the ever-loving frame rate problem! Any IMPORTANT prompts in the game that are REQUIRED for the player to progress in the game, make SURE they're working, and they are THERE! Get your terms right for console players, know WTF you're doing! WSAD are not PS4 terms, thanks. You didn't let us PS4 players name our fish. Why? It's offered on PC. A simple thing to name our fish, so why are we left out? Finally, if you don't want your PC players to know how shady you've treated your PS4 players, give PS4 and other console players an easier way to contact you. It's almost like you KNOW your game was launched in a complete array of unprofessional garbage. And it'd be a FIRST for any game company to allow us to contact the devs directly from PS4 to report problems. Most don't give a damn. At the moment it's the impression you're giving the PS4 community with this broken game, that you don't give a shit... Ya made me angry enough I actually made a steam account. I shouldn't have had to try and contact you. I don't play on the PC. The add soil to the tank with a shovel by using R2 sometimes STILL glitches out. You can only use 5 of your inventory slots, the 6th one you always have to keep empty. Or the 6th item is placed on the worktable. 6th item is NEVER placed in your inventory even if you have that space clear for it. The 6th slot works on PC. Guess we're not special. Unprofessional as hell!
Things I would like to see in the future of this game:
I would like to see lobsters and crabs added to the game, blue, yellow and red ones preferably. I'd like to see sea urchins in the game, in various colors. I'm baffled that I didn't see any whale sharks. I think the manta rays are amazing but was stunned that whale sharks were not offered. I think an exhibit idea for a later update that might be fun could be a children's education center. And in this children's education center you could put tide pool tanks. This time the sea stars moving, as well as the clams. You could then offer anemones that most of us would LOVE to see working properly... Some of us like anemones more than corral. And if you can get the clownfish to interact with the anemones, that would be adorable. It would also be cool if there were parasite-eating fish added to the game and the "cleaner fish" had stations the other fish would go to in order to let the "cleaning fish" remove parasites. Fish like rasps. I've not gotten to play the koi garden, not found a way for it to be offered on PS4 yet. But Koi should behave like puppies. They will follow a human around the edges of a tank or pond, and happily eat out of the hand. And they will let you pet them and like it. I'd like to see eels and perhaps giant squid. And with the addition of eels and giant squid, a rock or some kind of cave structure that they'll go to and just hide out in. A moray eel hanging out in its den with its head poking out is pretty cool to look at. I would like to see a variety of colorful snails various sizes. Some species of snails are pretty huge. Some are quite colorful. And I would like to see at least ONE low-growing saltwater plant that's hardy for most temperatures added. A ground cover that actually covers SOME ground but doesn't take up the WHOLE tank. And doesn't get overwhelmingly huge or tall. And counts to the plant total in the tank. Another idea would be allowing the player to grow their own fish food. Such as bloodworms, crickets. plankton or krill. The very best tank keepers in the world are self-sustaining. They no longer need to raid our oceans, ponds, lakes and rivers, they're capable enough that they can even give back.

-Kind regards An angry PS4 player that likes what LITTLE BITS of the game that is PLAYABLE, hates the unprofessional way it was launched. And hopes this company DOES BETTER. And BELIEVES this company should offer a PUBLIC apology on YouTube for their incompetence! Your game really was THAT bad for console players. Completely inexcusable to sell a game you can only play 15 minutes of. Can't even get past the tutorial.


is the game still early acces? if it is, when is it coming out?


Love the game? A game of yours I also love is referee simulator please finish is it looks way to cool am pretty sure am not the only one. Ur make it open beta/alfa. Would really appreciate it! Otherwise keep doing this good stuff
