Ancient Knowledge Review - Take Advantage Of Your Past While Planning For Your Future

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Heirs to an exceptional knowledge that has survived the ages, it is now up to you to preserve the vestige of your civilization.

Ancient Knowledge is a strategic card game in which you erect monuments and build artefacts to pass on your knowledge. Time will make your constructions ephemeral,so make the right decision and combine the many cards at your disposal, because all knowledge is doomed to disappear…

It's up to you to find the best synergy so that you can pass down knowledge before the decline of the emblematic monuments you have constructed, monuments we still find nowadays in the four corners of the globe. From Mexican pyramids to the Sphinx of Giza, passing through the famous cities of Tiwanaku and Babylon, only the cleverest builder will shine through the ages and seize victory. In this game, your only enemy is time.

Prove to your opponents that you are the worthly representative of your Legacy!
Will your monuments withstand the trial of time?

0:00:00 - Overview
0:08:15 - Ease of Play
0:08:45 - What I Like
0:11:20 - What I Don't Like
0:13:05 - What I Can See Others Not Liking
0:15:15 - Final Thoughts
0:16:30 - Recommendations

5.0 - My absolutely favorite games. You can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
4.5 - Love this game! At the same time missing something that would make it a 5. Could be hard to table, lacking variability, a little light, etc.
4.0 - Really great game, almost always keeping, although has meaningful complaints as to what takes away from the experience.
3.5 - Really enjoyed, don't love it, may lose out to better games but the idea of never playing again is a bit sad.
3.0 - A good game, would play and suggest with the right people, if I never played it again wouldn't lose any sleep.
2.5 - A game I'd play again , but will never suggest it myself
2.0 - A game I don't want to play again
1.5 - A game I can't find any reason to recommend
1.0 - A game that is just bad.

My Game Table (Non Referral)

Upgrade Your Game At Top Shelf Gamer (Referral Link)

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I like playing a game called "guess Alex's rating before the end of the video"
I guessed 3.5 but he bought out a surprise 4.
Next time Alex, next time...


5:31 that is wrong. After doing 2 actions you activate the hammer simbols on cards nothing else. And those 2 cards dont have hamner simbols on them. The left one just activates when it falls off and the right one is end gane points if you meet the condition on the card, ONLY if it is in your past (when it has fallen off).


Thx for the review! Glad you enjoy it! <3


For info, the MTG patent in question, which includes the "tapping" mechanism, expired in 2014. Not saying publishers should just start using it though. :)


My first game of this was an awful experience. Absolutely nothing lined up and plagued by awful draws …while I watched my opponent really celebrate after every draw and stomp me in the ground. Now it sits on my shelf to never be revisited again


5:45 - The explanation of the Decline Phase is incorrect. You only trigger the Decline symbol on monument cards that are in the 1 space. If the card in 1 space doesn't have the Decline symbol, nothing happens and you move the monument to the past. Then you slide all cards in the timeline down one space.

All of the Decline cards would be OP if they triggered every turn. You may have been thinking of the Timeline symbol, those trigger every turn as long as they're in you timeline.


Thank you for introducing this game to me.

Your text seems wrong. The first link is not KS, but BGG. Then the text that follows (and the 2nd link) is for Evolution: Another World. :)


People have to talk the others through their turns, that makes for the best games. You can say that about many games too.


One of my biggest disappointments when I played. I was so hype for this one.
1. Takes too long to play
2. Needs an expansion to keep you interested
3. The gameplay feels good for awhile but I feel like I'm playing mostly the same game every time. You sort of know what to do
4. It's hard to figure out what everyone else is doing.
5. Art is blah even though no one else agreed with me.

This one was tough...I wish I could say I loved it.


Do you have a video listing all your 5/5 games?


Where do you get your shirts? It's really cute.


This has already been asked before I'm sure and I apologize for not being there at that moment in time. Alex probably won't answer this so anyone else who knows please, do tell. I get doing the same sort of gesture all the time is kind of like presenters adding their own little flair or signature to their content. But it always bugs me... Why do you insist on ending the intro (holding the game up) where the game is askew or at an angle? As an OCD, this bugs me 😂😂 Thanks for all the great baord game content. Happy Holidays.


this feels like Mah-Jong 😊 some games have exciting combinations; some are boring 🥱 with cards that don’t work 😅
