Bank of America Issues Critical Warning: All Account Holders Are at Risk

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Atlas Financial Advisors, Inc. (AFA) is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Sponsorship does not influence AFA to recommend products or services issued by Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:AEMD) to current or prospective clients.

Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

This endorsement was provided for compensation, this included a formal agreement between Steven Van Metre and Outside The Box Capital Inc. for a one-time fee of $5, 000 for one placement to provide coverage on 6/2/2024 for Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:AEMD). AFA is independent of, unaffiliated with, and holds no endorsements for Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:AEMD).


I’m getting scared to even leave my house 🤣🤣🤣


Unrealized commercial real estate losses in the hundreds billions $$$


Sigh. Well, buy food & medications. We’re going to have to endure.


why we need such nonsensical system where everything is going up except wages and standard of living


I bought QQQ on your tip and I got out when it was over 4% up, thank you


Those 5 companies haven’t done anything different other than lay people off while they carry the entire stock market higher…


Bank of America keeps closing branches. Get out soon. 🏦 🏃


people should be stocking up on necessities and survival gear....soon there will be no credit and the dollar won't be worth anything


STSS.. i got in early, then tripled down and lost. The announcement of 3 times the shares at. .27.. i watched it peak and fall . Real-time


Here are some synonyms for "critical" in the context of urgency:

1. Crucial
2. Vital
3. Burning
4. Imperative
5. Pressing
6. Immediate
7. Dire
8. Pivotal
9. High-stakes
10. Exigent

I like Exigent, can we use that word in one of your upcoming video titles Steve?


Trillions in unrealized losses in the Commercial Real Estate.

FDIC only has 10% reserves to cover losses. Approximately.

Fractional Banking has only 10% cash on hand for depositors. Approximately.

What could go wrong ?

Oh a 10X 2008 and Banks screaming for a bailout while we are already at over 30 Trillion in debt.


A bank only goes under if they want them to go under 😊. If a bank loans you a hundred dollars of credit and you don't pay them back the bank loses nothing. If you pay them back 110$ the bank makes 110 dollars


Everyone empty out your money from these banks and get home safes


We are doomed. Magic 🍄 Mushrooms 🍄 anyone ? Thank you Steve ! Appreciate your efforts and analysis.


Get of off the the stonk market economy and look at the real economy.. now 6% of singles earning 100K plus are 60 days behind on bills. And 40% earning over 150K. There is more to life than stonks... 70% of Americans dont even own any


Get your money out now and call your mama to pick you up at the airport


Steven my boy when are you going to cover about turbo crypto currency for the community Sir!


No thank you, I left the stock market because once it starts to fail, you won’t be able to get out fast enough. I liquidated and left the us, will watch it all crumble from afar


Couldn’t listen long enough to hear the b of a warning
