Let's Talk with Brian Houston & Bishop T.D. Jakes | Hillsong Church Online

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Brian Houston, Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church, hosts a powerful conversation on racial injustice and inequality with Bishop T.D. Jakes, Senior Pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas. The heart of this conversation is to engage with the injustices that many face around the world, as Bishop Jakes shares valuable insights on the part we can play in creating lasting change.

00:00 - 🎵 "Alive" by @youngandfree
04:00 - 🎵 "Who You Say I Am" by @hillsongworship
09:11 - Opening Prayer & Welcome
13:52 - Heart for the House Presentation
28:56 - A Conversation with Brian Houston & Bishop T.D. Jakes
59:59 - Want to know more about Jesus?
1:02:48 - 🎵"Might Sound Wild" by @hillsongunited

Some content recorded prior to government health orders.


#hillsong #brianhouston #tdjakes #online #bishoptd #bishoptdjakes #thebishop #hillsongchurch #jesus #sunday #live #racism #blm #conversation #hillsongchannel #letstalk #interview
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00:15 - 🎵 "Alive" by @Hillsong Young & Free
04:00 - 🎵 "Who You Say I Am" by @Hillsong Worship
09:11 - Opening Prayer & Welcome
13:52 - Heart for the House Presentation
28:56 - A Conversation with Brian Houston & Bishop T.D. Jakes
59:59 - Want to know more about Jesus?
1:02:48 - 🎵"Might Sound Wild" by @Hillsong UNITED


I am Jamerra Jones im From Tahlequah Oklahoma and I believe in Jesus Christ and I gave my life to God because of this church and worship team thank you Amen


''In my Father's house there's a place for me" 🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️🙏🏽 thank you Lord!!!


Thank you pastors Brain and TD Jakes I have never experience racism but I feel your pain not because the colour of our skin but we are all human created equal by God you have encouraged me I will not be silent I will make a difference in the lives of those who go through this everyday thank you both and the millions who speak up and speak out against injustice wherever or whatever form it comes one love from Jamaica in Jesus Name


🎤🎶 I'm a child of God. yes.. i'am 👍👍👍. so true, when church open again, many people's will run to church again..


B. HOUSTON: Can you ever believe this side of eternity to see a world without racism? 48:48

[Pause] - Next comes the best answer I've ever heard given on the subject.

TD JAKES: I am not so much worried about eradicating racism as much I am injustice because they are two different things. Racism is the attitude of your heart, injustice is an action that you do against me.

I can live in a world where everybody doesn't like me, everybody does that... I can't manage the emotions of people's hearts and what's going on in their head, that's to far for me to reach. But when those emotions, attitude and thoughts cause me to lose jobs, housing, healthcare, dignity, life and air (I can't breathe); that's injustice. I do think we can fix the injustice and if we fix injustice...well... then the racism will gradually dissipate to whatever level it goes down to... It may not ever go away. We all have biases. You don't have to be white to be racist. But if you're the person with the most power and that racism ends up becoming injustice; that's oppression and oppression is unbearable...


Pastoring a multicolored church for 30yrs, married to a lovely Dominican (brown) woman with four children, I am so grateful for this conversation. Pastor Brian, we have met on a few occasions, I commend you sir for having this courage conversation and to lead change within your world of influence. I am an ally, praying for you and standing with you through these times. Massive respect for you. Bishop T.D. Takes, you’re a legend, your teachings and life have impacted me and our church beyond measure. Sending you a ton of love.
Randy Landis/Life Church USA


Prayer for Love and spiritual Freedom and for Love all over again🤗


So Lovely to be in Hillsong church a Caring Home for the whole world Thank you for the Heart for the House this is my Lovely home with many rooms


By far the best and most intelligent conversation I heard so far. Thank You Brian!


We know that we will always drink from the fountains of heaven! Whilst we become heaven's fountain during our 'last' lap on earth...


Brian is a great guy with a big heart. God bless all peoples races and creeds.


If reasoned men don't keep talking, then unreasonable men will take over the narrative and it will be to the detriment of the world. The integrity of our faith has been compromised. I pray this is the generation that brings the integrity back 😭😭😭


How can i donate for foundation?
I am in Kenya


Brian and T.D., are the modern day Hymenaeus and Philetus. Wonder why Brian and T.D., did not speak about forgiveness? Jesus talked about it in Matthew 18:21-22 and again in Luke 23:34. There is a lot of bitterness in this video, IMO.


In regards to the part with T.D. Jakes, all I have to say is please look at the facts and wait until the full story comes out. The reason I can’t get behind BLM is because when I look into some of these supposedly unjust killings, I see that people aren’t taking into the consideration all the facts. They are just looking at what went down and not at all what led up to the person being killed. Also, a white man named Tony, I believe, was killed in a very similar way to Floyd, so it’s not just black people being killed in such ways.


Dear Hillsong church- please read my comments below ..I appreciate and Thank God for the works done by 'Heart of the house"..Its a great initiative... @ from timing 17:36 when Mr. Biju started talking about poverty line in India. The information provided by him is wrong. India doesn't have 800 million people earning <= 2 dollars / day income. According to his data it means about 60% of the total indian population(i.e., 1.3+ billion) is below poverty line.. Which makes no sense..Bringing false information on a grand forum of a globalised church like Hillsong which has its presence in many countries is HIGHLY SENSITIVE.. we appreciate your work in the rescue mission in India and honour it but be careful on your comments(@ Mr.Biju)..


Man it seems like being a preacher is the best job ever, you can get hella rich and nobody will question it, just sing and dance and call that salvation😬😂


Remember folks out there, Mr Huston has said that the God of the bible and the god of Islam are one and the same. This is false teaching and scripture warns us to be aware of 'false' teachers - Matthew 7!


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.'
