horses face the Qibla hearing the Quran #islamicstatus #quran

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Reciting the Holy Quran is a deeply spiritual experience unparalelled by any other religious practice. With our short videos, you can immerse yourself in the sacred beauty of the Quran, and connect with the divine message it holds. Each video features a qualified and experienced reciter, who flawlessly recites verses of the Quran, drawing upon years of practice and devotion to perfect every intricate detail of pronunciation and intonation. Whether you are a student of Islam seeking to improve your Quranic knowledge, or simply looking for a meaningful way to reconnect with your faith, our videos create a perfect opportunity to recite the Quran and experience its profound transformative power. So come join us, and recite the Quran with us, one verse at a time, in a journey that will leave you feeling renewed, rejuvenated, and closer to the divine than ever.
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The seven heavens, the earth, and all those in them glorify Him. There is not a single thing that does not glorify His praises—but you ˹simply˺ cannot comprehend their glorification. He is indeed Most Forbearing, All-Forgiving.

Al-Isra', Ayah 44


I’m a truck driver, one morning before Fajr I seen a entire herd of sheep with there heads down on the ground and all of them was facing the same direction, so I looked at my Qibla compass and they all were facing 🕋. It was so incredible


Not only did they turn but they turned when he actually was saying guide us to the straight and narrow path… they immediately perked up and got in congregational salah Alhamdulillah


I'm not Muslim but have nothing but deep respect for all Muslims and Allah.


Not only animals, even plants and insects bear witness to Islam.


When my daughter was younger whilst me and her were in a park. There was no one around so I was reciting surah fatiha and my daughter was reading too. Some ducks came to Listen. Wen we stopped they went awY. Then we walked and we thought let's walk and read and they swam so gracefully following us again. We testes thus few times n they stopped and returned when the quran was read. Subhan Allah. Animals and birds love the quran and they know its ftok their creator


Do you notice that they start facing the Kiblat when he recites "Ihdina siratil Mustaqim.." Which means "Lead us to the straight path.."❤❤❤


I tried this as well,
I always say Salam to horses considering I’m the only Muslim rider in the stable I go.
One day I recited Darood Ibrahimi and tell the horse that our Prophet (PBUH) loves you and you have noor ( light) in your forehead. That horse bend her face to the ground like doing sajood
Omg I got so emotional that I started crying. It was my first day for riding class, and our bond was so special after that that even the owner of the horse gets jealous, and the horse never throw me down, she used to put her head on my shoulders sometimes like hugging me, ❤
Horses are beautiful creatures they understand who is their God.


When I was praying fajr at the kaaba the birds would come down and sing and circle the kaaba everytime. Amzing to see how animals worship Allah


When I started doing my hifz, I usually memorize out loud on a specific place. As my hifz progress each day, more and more birds flock around my window where I memorize. Their tweet didn't bother until when my online hifz partner pointed out that the melody of birds on my end was so beautiful because she don't usually hear that much of bird around their area. That's when I realized how plenty have the birds become since I started memorizing and reciting Quran. May Allah bless them


Once i visited to turkey
I was on mountains, a man came with herd of sheep and exactly at that time i heard azan and i was repeating azan and giving answers to azan, and also i see that during while azan sheep was facing towards qibla standing still heads up,

I asked that man he said they do this every time they hear azan

Mashallah, mashallah, alhamdulillah

Till i got to masjid i was saying alhamdulillah, allah made me a muslim
I.cant just describe that feelimg


My cats 🐈 listen quietly when I recite Quran 😊and love to sleep on my prayer mat🤲🕋


Imagine the Paradise with beautiful view, beautiful animals, green places, cool air, sweet fruits, joyfull kids. Ooo ALLAH, grant all moslem with your paradise


When he recites: “Guide us into the straight path” the horses hasten to turn towards the Qibla.



He recited "guide us on the straight path" then they turned to the Qiblah.


Whoever owns those horses may allah grant them janah. It seems like he is taking very good care of them.


My family used to have a few ducks, the coloured ducks were friendly, but the white ones hated people. They would always run away any time we got close to them.
One day I was fasting and sitting in our backyard doing tasbeeh (saying words of worship using prayer beads), when I started to say "اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد" out loud to myself the ducks came to me!
It was literally like something out of a Disney movie lol.
The ducks sat in front of me making a half circle, and they didn't get up and leave only until after I stopped doing the tasbeeh. Subhanallah.


They r better than us ...they have a pure and clean heart ...May Allah SWT Have mercy upon us Ameen


No one except humans and some jinns can recite Quran, even angels, that’s why they listen when someone reciting Quran! Alhamdulillah!


I was in Australia when a big dog running towards me and I was frightened and said Allah Hu Akbar . Please go away I want to pray .. the dog stopped and turn back and wait for me to pass by . Alhamdullilah .
