Garden Q and A - Why Use Organic Fertilizers?

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Garden Q and A - Why Use Organic Fertilizers? - In this video I answer gardening question that were asked a couple of weeks ago. Ask garden and landscape questions down below this video for next week's q and a.

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The last answer is a very short version of permaculture outcomes. I left out that insect and disease resistance is also tied to poor planting, plants being overly wet, or overly dry, and sometimes just poor plants. I'll explain more in future videos. At the end of the day it all comes down to keeping the ground covered to protect the beneficial. Thanks for watching!


Need to change your channel to Dr Jim 🤩this video separates you from other channels. I’m learning so much. TY 👍


You have such a great sense of humour. I appreciate what you and your wife are presenting even though I'm in zone 5a. Still great information. 😊


Such good logic and common sense! Feeding the soil, for example, rather than feeding the plants, is also my own philosophy. Using organic fertilisers too, and quite sparingly, and using organic mulches instead of digging the soil. Highly inspirational advice too. Brilliant videos


I love the way you explained the symbiosis between the beneficial bacteria and fungi and how they provide what the plants need. I learned this in my sustainable horticulture class at OSUOKC and I try to explain it to people all the time. You did such a beautiful job explaining it. I want to try to clip out that segment of this video and send it to all of my clients. Actually you should make a clip of that section of this video and turn it into a TickTock and maybe it will go viral in the whole world will learn that this is how it works. 👏👏👏


The black mulch in HOA-Land make me really glad we moved to acreage after having previously lived in an HOA neighborhood that not only required us to have Bermuda grass, we also were not allowed to use winter rye because "Everyone's yard needs to be cohesive" We have a mostly wooded lot with some patches of grass that I simply mow pathways through now. The pollinators and wildlife love it and so do I. Even better? I no longer have to submit a $25 application every time I want to plant a shrub!


Thanks for the last question and answer. Judging by many of the comments below, anytime you want to expand on this topic, we are ALL here for it. Everyone seems pretty eager to learn.


Reflectometer! Great discussion of relationship between plant sugars and vulnerability and organic fertilizer. Thank you!


You are a wealth of sound information - that was so interesting. I never knew anything about sugar in plants - the curse of the sweet tooth strikes again! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences.


Last answer was very interesting. It’s always a pleasure when you share your knowledge and experience in detail.


The science behind gardening helps me remember WHAT to do and WHY. I take your word as gospel 😎.


Yes! Thank you for this! Gardening is science, and while you don’t have to be a scientist to enjoy it, if you aren’t the least bit curious about the “how” and “why” of things, you shouldn’t be on YouTube spouting incorrect information. You’re doing an important thing here. 👍


Very interesting last segment of your video. Thanks for the explanation of why the soil is so important


Thanks for this video. I now know why only one allium bloomed. When I planted them in the fall I didn’t realize how close they were planted to daffodils. So I will keep my eye on them and move them when I can.


So many burning questions answered in this episode. Thank you very much for your excellent, informative videos and fascinating tours (loved the ones with various horticulturalists showing their gardens). Your channel is a 'go to' for my gardening learning. Particularly loved this video, so felt I had to register a positive comment. Please keep making your great gardening content! Gardener in Zone 9 here - South East Ireland, so more temperate and wetter that USDA 9.


Funny story I saw a few years ago, the close caption identified a hedge as "Laura Petalum". It gives me a smile seeing how CC deals with plant names & terms.
Only you Jim, can sit in that beautiful yard & say it looks "okay"!
I have great luck making moisture domes by cutting plastic bottles of various sizes & fitting them over pots. Doesn't lend itself to large numbers but since I don't have a mist house, it works for me. Finding the right planting mix for this is sometimes tricky but fun when it works! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!


I never knew about plant sugars - very helpful !!! Also mites taking out unhealthy plantS. Great questions and answers.


As an elementary school teacher who teaches a big unit on soil and plants, I love your answer to why organic fertilizer are best. I found myself nodding along as you were talking. With food there are many products that may falsely be labeled “organic”. I’m wondering, as a consumer and gardener, what should I be looking for in a good organic fertilizer? Thanks again for your awesome videos!


Love the lesson on organic fertilizer/refractometer!


Very informative and insightful video! Really liked the depth of information!
