Insurance Companies Using Drones to Spy on Properties and Cancel Insurance

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A woman who spent almost $200k renovating her home was dropped by her insurance carrier. She received a notice of non-renewal and was told that a drone had observed her property. The insurer cited her property as having clutter and being unsanitary.



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They use satellite imagery for certain. I have a secondary property and they always take the imagery in the winter when there is less foliage on the trees. I can zoom in to about 30 ft. above the property on my county tax assessor's site. That is what they allow me to see, so they can zoom in closer. At this height, nothing can be hidden. The moral of the story is, that companies have been using this tech for years, and they will only use it more as time goes on. Either take care of your property or expect to pay higher premiums or be dropped.


Insurance companies are there to make a profit. Not a charity to help you during hard times. Why should they insure a property that has a high vhance of claim? Why should that burden be placed on other policy holders?


This is uneducated perspective of how drones work. A drone can LEGALLY only fly under 400 feet.


I am in the roofing industry and can 100% corroborate this.


So their checking properties, which home owners should be doing anyway. Why should insurance companies be liable for, example a gas tank that is placed close to your home. I talk g like a 100 gallon tank. Not a gallon used for a generator. Which should not be close to your home anyway. I my opinion.


Insurance companies crunch numbers and look for things to minimize their risks, stop trying to humanize it, it has zero to do with it. You can complain it’s not fair all you want, however until the country stops being capitalist this is a normal business avenue for over all risk management used by every industry who needs spot specific data, no matter the state.
