How Did Dumbledore Put The Stone In The Mirror? | Harry Potter Film Theory

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Today Ben dives into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter to try and determining how Dumbledore managed to get the Philosopher’s Stone into the Mirror of Erised!

#SuperCarlinBrothers #HarryPotter

Edited by :: Riley Murtagh

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The more days go by, the more it's clearer that Voldemort's best shot to get rid of Harry was Lucious Malfoy trying to kill him over losing a house elf.


"MIRROR WILL YOU TAKE THE STONE?" Dumbledore asked calmly


Laughed way too hard at "Not you. Not Hermione. Me."


He went *ploop*: “Presto chang-o. Problem solved.”


The fact that there are still theories and new things to talk about in the Harry Potter universe after so long is truly freaking magical!!


I always thought there was a connection between the deluminator, the mirror, and the inscription on Kendra's and Ariana's grave: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."


I've literally never thought about the fact that seeing his parents in the mirror would be the first time really even knowing what they looked like. It seems very sweet but also extremely sad at the same time


I always figured Dumbledore kinda accidentally put the stone in the mirror the night he looked into it with Harry. It's kinda obvious all the security precautions on the 3rd floor are a decoy because the safest place for it is in Dumbledore's pocket but he wanted to find a safe place to leave it because big rock in pocket. By the end of the series, we're supposed to think he saw his family. But what if he was wanting to find the best place to hide the stone from Ol' Voldy at that moment, and saw himself putting the stone in the mirror in much the same way Harry got the stone out of it. And then he figured out what happened later. Which is why it's so clever. He wanted to hide the stone and looked in the mirror to see how and the mirror was like *YOINK*


An important note that I don't think was elaborated on: The mirror could indeed give you anything you want, but only if the mirror currently contains that object. It cannot conjure things from nothing. Elemental laws and stuff like that


"How did Dumbledore get the Stone in the mirror?"

Love, of course.


To expand on your idea, consider how mirrors work: they reflect *_light_* . How does the Mirror of Erised work in the *_absence_* of light? Perhaps Dumbledore invented the Deluminator (literally, the light-take-awayer) to find the answer to that question...


Maybe when Dumbledore says “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” he’s referring to how if you use the Deluminator it will take you to what/who you desire to see the most, which would be your happiness.


Considering how lights have worked over the course of history, reflection, refraction and all that, I wonder if it delumenator has a really small shard of the mirror in it. 🤔 That could lend itself to quite A few ideas. Good theory gentleman. 👍


If Harry hadn't gone in to try and save it, the stone would not have been in any danger of being stolen at all. Setting this trap up involved the risk of Voldemort getting it and returning to power. I love how Dumbledore risks the entire wizarding world just to check out what Harry can do lol


How did Dumbledore hide the stone in the mirror?


Just imagining Hagrid explaining how it was done and then ending it with "I shouldn't have said that"


I had a different theory. To place it in the mirror, you must desire to use it, but not to find it. So he just does what Harry does, but in reverse (mirrored) place it in his pocket and its gone.

I think we can safely say that Dumbledore both desired to use it and also desired not to be able to find it anymore. That was the whole point of setting up the mirror.


I don’t think it could literally give you anything. The only thing we’ve seen come out of the mirror is something someone deliberately put in there. So I think the only way you could get mountains of gold is if someone had already put mountains of gold in it.


I immediately thought about this "mirrorverse" from the trailer, when you started your explanation.

And about this galleon stuff: don't I remember correctly, that money is one of the five exceptions to the Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration and cannot be creating magically, hence neither by the Mirror?


I'm surprised you guys didn't mention the quote on Kendas tombstone presumably added by Albus? "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Seems to fit nicely with the video.
