Aika Sengirbayeva, Year Up Cybersecurity Graduate in partnership with Symantec

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Aika Sengirbayeva shares her experience with Year Up and Symantec.

Symantec partners with Year Up to launch the Symantec Cyber Career Connection, a pilot program designed to train opportunity youth for jobs in cyber security. The pilot is implemented through a network of partners, including Year Up at its sites in Baltimore and the Bay Area.

Year Up’s mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by ensuring that young adults gain the skills, experiences, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through careers and higher education.

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I was that guy with a love for computers that didn't know how to turn it into something to live off of. Every job I found required a college degree. Thanks to Year Up getting my foot in the door, I'm employed with an above average salary. If you know someone that needs a program like this tell them, if you need it yourself apply. All the best to Aika, hopefully she transitions to an employee.

This isn't an ad by the way, just wanted to put this out there.


Good job Aigerim. Keep hard working and I hope you will come back to build the better future for Kazakhstan.


Жарайсын Айка, кайтпа, ұлттық рухын мықты асқақ болсын


Good luck to her, but lying is not the best way to build her American dream. Being honest is always better. She knew English and she had money when she arrived to the US. Actually, Kazakhstan provides free of charge school education, which includes English classes from 3 grade. And all of "Work and travel" students come with some money, she said it herself in a recent interview in Kazakhstan. So, I think she has to give some credit to her home country, which accepted her family that immigrated from Uzbekistan as a repatriate and gave her some education.


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She said that she had no money when she came to US. But that is a lie. She studied IT for 6 months, it is not for free and cost good money. Also I feel bad for Symantec company for hiring student with 6 month IT class and low experience. Yes, she is pretty . There is tendency now to hire graduates with 0 experience because they are young, fresh and flexible. But after that we have glitches in devices, and buggy apps and websites.
