4 | Appium Step by Step | How to create Android Virtual Device

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Android Virtual Device (AVD) Setup for Automation
00:00 Intro
00:56 How to create and start AVD (emulator) with Android Studio GUI App
02:17 On Android Studio goto Virtual Device Manager > Create new virtual device
03:18 Select device configuration and hardware (name, RAM, storage etc.)
13:31 Check the emulator is available in Device Manager
(Device manager will show all connected devices, virtual and physical)
14:11 Start Stop Android Virtual Device (AVD)

16:40 How to create and start AVD (Emulator) without Android Studio

20:53 Run commands
Use sdkmanager to get required packages like platform-tools, platforms, build-tools
This can be done in a single command e.g.
// 33 is the API level of your android device os

Or can be done in separate commands, e.g.

Get the system image that you want to use for the AVD (Android Virtual Device)

All these folders should automatically go in the ANDROID_HOME folder, else you can manually place them there
Add path of folders platforms, platform-tools and emulator in Path env variable

32:35 Use avdmanager commands to create AVD
(available in cmdline-tools/bin, same place where sdkmanager is)
avdmanager list
avdmanager list avd
avdmanager create avd -n MyAVD1 -k “system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64”
-n is the name of the AVD, we can give any name as you like, can also use --name
-k is the system image that we downloaded using sdkmanager above, can also use --package
(using this command - sdkmanager "system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64" )

Can also give the id in -d flag
avdmanager create avd -n MyAVD1 -d 17 -k “system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64”
The id for a specific device can be referred by running avdmanager list

37:46 Start AVD using emulator commands
emulator -list-avds
emulator -avd MyAVD1
Can also start AVD with a specific resolution (size) using -skin option
emulator -avd MyAVD1 -skin 450x750

On Mac with Apple M1 M2 chip we can get system images with ARM64 architecture

49:56 Other options to use Android Virutal Device (emulators)
50:26 Cloud Devices
52:44 Next Steps

how to create avd (android emulators) on windows
how to create avd (android emulators) on mac os
how to use sdkmanager
how to use avdmanager
Commands to create android emulator


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Never Stop Learning
Raghav Pal

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the video very beautiful, very well, thank you for sharing


Hi Raghav, thanks for the series.
There are only 4 videos on this series. When do we get remaining 3 videos. I am looking for iOS setup


Thank you raghavan. I am unable to open UI automator in Mac. Getting error as "SWT folder does not exist.
Please export ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar for your platform." Could you please help on this


hi @ragav i'm getting PANIC: Avd's CPU Architecture 'arm64' is not supported by the QEMU2 emulator on x86_64 host., what should i do now ?


The videos are great and useful, is there any way that you can help us with the setup directly. I think I just stuck in one part and giving a hard time


hi ragav, i'm facing a new issue for UpsideDownSand i don't have arm 64, is it okay to fetch another virtual device which is contain arm64 ? ( for me showing Vannila Icecrem arm 64 )


please when are you uploading the sixth and seventh videos


Hi, I'm having an issue in my command prompt hoping you can help me. I attached the message. I am particularly concerned about the PANIC message.

-avd myAVD_2
INFO | Storing crashdata in: C:\Users\12017\AppData\Local\Temp\\AndroidEmulator\emu-crash-34.2.15.db, detection is enabled for process: 29596
INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 11906825) (CL:N/A)
INFO | Found systemPath
PANIC: Avd's CPU Architecture 'arm64' is not supported by the QEMU2 emulator on x86_64 host.

Thanks in advance for your help, and for your videos. They are great!


many thanks for this playlist and for your work, i am facing an issue when I start running the code Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. )
Host info: host
