my 100+ goals for 2023

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yes i dream very very big hehe



0:00 intro
0:50 the system
3:34 dream even BIGGER
5:04 finance
8:03 more on habits
8:27 health
12:27 we forget how long a year is
12:59 health (cont)
13:46 business
19:18 hobbies
22:08 learning
26:53 life
31:57 self-improvement
33:18 social
25:16 social media
41:07 outro


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ALSO, don't forget your top 5 goals for the 2023 year! let's make this a super inspiring and motivational comment section (+ we can give each other so many new ideas)


Love to see I'm not the only one making a lot of goals for this year. Here's the top 5 from my many goals:
1. Read 50+ Books
2. Memorize the Quran (Juz' 28-30)
3. Get a Gold Medal in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
4. Run 6 Spartan Races
5. Learn Spanish (Colombian Dialect/A2)

As well, after watching many of your videos. I'm inspired to also start creating content, we'll see how that goes. I hope everyone achieves their goals this year!


I honestly LIVE for your planning videos because it truly makes me feel like there’s nothing I can’t do and having a solid plan just makes those goals that much more attainable ❤ I truly hope we all reach our goals next year 😊


-Focus on time management
-make enough time for family
-get back to doing yoga
-read 15+ books
-study more harder, with a positive mindset <3


My goals:
*overcome depression
*figure out what I want to do in my life and start working on it
*take a rest and when I gain strenght start habits that will prevent from depression relapse and other illnesses
Btw great and very inspirational video 💕


My top 5 goals:

- Plan a wedding (mine maybe😝)
- Achieve a full time income with Etsy
- Become the healthiest version of myself/reach my goal weight
- Pass a German C1 exam (kinda impossible but what if it isn't yk?)
- Get my GPA up in university and finally brand myself as a straight A student😅


I don't know who told you that your thumbnails are bad. They're pretty, minimalistic and unique. Your thumbnails since "my first days in barcelona" video are beautiful☺❤


My goals-
Disappear for this year and work on myself like exercise, skin care, filming my glowup diary, grow my yt, study, disconnect, read and a lot more


Thankyou so much 🤍🧿
My top goals for this 2023 year is -->
* Make my mind positive no matter how bad the situation will be.
* Get great marks in all exams .
* Take care of both my skin & hair .
* Do stretching & meditate 🧘
Overall I promise myself that this year is gonna be my year and I will be the main priority of myself ✨


For the trading part, here are some of my advices as a little bit more experienced trader:
- do not put a time limits on your trading journey, this skillset is easily scalable once you know what you’re doing & theres absolutely no need to put on yourself that kind of pressure – it will only backward your trading
- have a trading journal & be consisent with it – this is your trading bible.
- if you’re going to be a full-time trader & you have great amount of free time, or you’re just at a beginning your trading journey - focus on day trading (to train your eyes to see the setup & to faster gather live trading experience)
- learn basic risk management & never ever put on position more than 1% of your total equity
- focus on one currency pair (or index or stock) & trade during market sessions (london & ny for forex, equities open for indices & stocks)
- research about prop firms once you’re confident in your strategy

At the beginning you will be mostly caught up on the wrong side of the market, lose money & nerves, but it’s price for success. Find a good mentor & stick with the strategy you’re using.


thank you so much! I'm younger than a lot of people here so my goals are probably more general and common then the ones in the comments, but yeah here they are:
- trying to go out for a walk/with friends/with my family at least 5 times per week
- having a more healthy everyday stile/schedule
- having an intermediate korean level
- being better at dancing than now
- doing stretching everyday
- being able to speak english fluently

this is actually my first time creating goals, i really hope i'll be able to achieve them. 😊


Last year i left a comment on your video and said my goal was to lose weight in 2022, I'm happy to announce that i've achieved my goal <3


i cannot list 5 goals but i'm gonna name 3 for now:
- become better with french translation, like get to know more vocab and do more listening
- be able to speak spanish/become intermediate in spanish
- pay off my uni loan

so far, these are it and once i'm done with the last two, things will be whole lot easier for me. because like you did, i do wanna live in barcelona and the first baby step would be learning the language lol

also i have to say: wow. the goals you set up are really incredible because you plan a lot (not that it's a bad thing, i love planning too) and set up high goals for yourself. i can't do that fjdhdjjd i give up too easily. hope you can reach at least the small ones!


i like, martial arts, languages, chess, art, playing music instruments, reading, poetry etc, i found a word for it, a polymath and a philomath joy you arent alone. hobbies rock


i love that theres somebody else out there that makes crazy amount of goals too!
my top 5 tho are:
1. get back into my health routine (has several specific goals in it)
2. focus on my content creations
3. take my etsy shop to the next level (a lot more goals in this one too)
4. learn to play ukulele
5. learn French to B1 level


мои 5 целей:
— закончить универ
— начать питаться осознанно и вернуть в свою жизнь регулярные занятия спортом
— заняться лечением зубов, глаз, кожи, сдать все анализы для нефролога и эндокринолога, сделать чек-ап организма (в общем и целом, заняться здоровьем)
— больше времени проводить с семьёй (звонить бабушке, приглашать сестру в гости, не забывать про папу)
— развить самодисциплину и создать подходящую мне утреннюю-вечернюю рутину

жду не дождусь следующих видео!! ты лучшая


Thankyou! Would love a year in review of your previous goals, what you managed, and how you felt 🥰
My new top 5 goals are to:
Consistently work out for strength
Relearn sign language
Start driving lessons
Restart my small craft buisness
Go on a trip with family, friends and partner atleast once each. 🥰


Firstly thanks a lot for sharing with us your 2023 goals. It's extremelly motivating!
My 5 main goals for the upcoming year are:
1. Focus on programming(I'm currently studying it in uni)💻
2. Study motion design and digital art🖌📽
3. Renew language learning process(english and spanish)📚
4. Get healthier💪🏻(start taking vitaming, do sport, stretching)
5. Gain new experience through working during holidays and earn some money. 📄💶
I love you, Anna. You are the best❤❤❤


Анечка, ты такая классная! Смотрю тебя еще с тех времен, когда ты была школьницей, а сейчас ты взрослая, переехала сама в другую страну, самодостаточная. Это очень круто. Ты очень вдохновляешь.

Я старше тебя на несколько лет, но ты намного взрослее меня.

Про русский ютуб: да, на нем намного меньше полезного контента, чем на англоязычном. Мне повезло - я знаю язык и поэтому у меня есть доступ к мировым знаниям и опыту, так сказать)


Some of my goals for this year:

Meditation: year after year, I’ve set a goal and not really achieved it. This year, I lowered my expectations and gave myself permission to edit the goal or cancel it after the first quarter.

Language: I want to study Tagalog/Filipino, but I decided to just make my goal to finish this one textbook I bought (plus work with lots of other tools). Even if I stop studying in the summer and never come back to it, if I finish this textbook, I’ll still feel good about this goal.

Fitness: last year, I set a goal to run 100 miles, and achieved it somewhat easily because that’s only a mile every three-four days or so. But, since I’m not trying to run some kind of race, I kept my goal at 100 miles.

Journaling: I journal every day, if I miss a day, I go back and write whatever I remember, and I’ve been doing this for two years now. It’s awesome to have a record of so many things, and since my journal is on an app, I can very easily search keywords when I have to find something. So, I plan to continue this.

Reading: Every year, I set out to read 50 books (I’m not a student right now so it’s not the most difficult thing, I listen to a lot of audiobooks). Last year, I read 103 or so, but I can already tell 2023 will not be the same, so my goal is still to read 50 books.

And lastly, writing: I write pretty regularly, but I want to prioritize actually posting on my blog by the end of each month. Even if it’s just something quick, it’s still something.

And that’s about it! Happy New Year! 💙🎉
