Redundant Bridge:10 Options and 50 Configurations

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JRB has consistently endorsed the concept of having redundant points of connection between our tree/hunting saddle and the rope, whether it is a climbing rope, a lifeline, or a rappel rope. It is valuable in climbing, rappel and emergency scenarios, regardless of the climbing method. Unfortunately, most saddle hunters don't yet understand the value of a redundant bridge, particularly in those crucial self-rescue scenarios. In this video, JRB outlines 10 "fixed devices" as options for building a bridge and given all the variations in configuration, there are 50+ combinations demonstrated and more described. Note that JRB does not recommend the use of a conventional "tether" because they can get us stuck in a tree. We always need a line to ground. Related videos:

DISCLAIMER: Viewers assume responsibility for their own safety. This video is provided for demonstrational and informational purposes only, and is not considered advice nor instruction. Climbing and related knot tying activities are dangerous and should be performed only with appropriate training, supervision and protective equipment. The author disclaims responsibility for the clarity, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the content, as well as all liability for accidents or injuries incurred. - JRB Tree Climbing LLC

#jrbtreeclimbing #treeclimbing #saddlehunting #arborist #climbing #knots #srt #ropeclimbing #deerhunting #deer
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Built me a redundant bridge today, gotta say I'm very pleased!! Then, using a munter, I repelled for the first time, man was that fun!! So much so that starting from the ground, climbed and then repelled half a dozen more times :) THANK YOU JOHN!!


Longhorn soft shackle popped into my mind the moment you pulled a longhorn up in the video and of course, to no disappointment, you demonstrated that.

I have been guilty of thinking of a "fixed" bridge being a set length not realizing the obvious additional wrap we could implement on it to shorten and lengthen. While not as readily adjustable as it would be with a hitch to the belay loop, for a secondary bridge, I haven't had many cases where I needed to adjust a secondary bridge under load so I'll be experimenting with that soft shackle version since I always have a longhorn in the bag ready to go.


You sparked a realization for me. I could use a really short bridge on rappel. I have one inch tube web bridges with detachable adjustable austrialpine buckles attached to bridge loops with girth hitches which will not quite adjust tight / short enough, so I will use a cord to pull my bridge loops (I actually made my saddle with D rings, , similar to Eberhart double panel saddle ) in tight with and that willl keep my super munter low and down away from my ascender hitch with a ring ( compact 5-2-3, love it) and carabiner I certainly enjoy a redundant bridge with my favorite way of climbing - hitch climb ! I will play around and pick a configuration, liking some kind of secure loop to keep it handy - longhorn, figure eight, hunters bend. Webbing slides nice in a carabiner. Might even make me a new saddle over the off season with adjustable cord bridges.

Thanks John for the climbing education Harvested two nice bucks out of my saddle on public land this season in the Homochitto National Forest. Enjoy it that I can venture off into any part of the vast forest, the WMA I like most is 29, 000 acres so there’s lots to explore, and climb almost any tree hitch climbing. Using a pole is quiet and quick with the Maverick. I did experience a few jam ups with the Maverick even being very careful in tying correctly. I think this problem is due to hanging at an angle from the hitch for several hours causing a twist in the locking loop. Sometimes a tree will fool me as to which way it leans. So I have learned, and hitch climbing makes this possible, to adjust my hunting hitch at the top of my climb so I hang straight and keep that hitch from binding


Thanks John, just received a new saddle yesterday! Always great info and help!
Hope you have a great time at the show this weekend, there always fun!
Thanks for sharing,


I used the adjustable double adjustable bridge you demonstrated in a previous video this hunting season and absolutely loved it. It does look like a "mess" to some people but the flexibility of it is worth it.


John Great video!!! I'm a firm believer that the double bridge mode is a valuable tool. One always has to think of the "What if" scenario and have tools to Mitigate the situation (I'm always thinking about the, what if). John, I wish every hunter considering climbing up a tree by any method should consider one of your safety climbing videos. I think it would help them immensely. Good Work John, Thank you for all you do.


This one i downloaded it to my sd card. So I have it with me for reference. Awesome
Thanks for the post


When I saw the webbing, I immediately thought of the garda footloop as an emergency bridge. Since the carabiners aren’t locking, I would think you could invert one of the carabiners after attaching to bridge so the gates are facing opposite directions.


Now that we have options for second bridge, would love to see options on adjustable single primary bridge


All of these are good options and good to know incase disaster struck. I think if would also be good to state the most obvious. A linesman rope. I think it would be safe to say that the majority of saddle hunters already have that secured to one side of there saddle or they should have anyway.


I have an ape canyon with extra loops…could that be used for redundant bridge? Or will the position affect how it can effectively be used?


I like the soft shackle longhorn, is there another way to capture the soft shackle without a caribiner? Reason i ask is because to minimize to one caribiner when rappalling down instaed of using 2 on redundant bridge!


Just for reference and comparison purposes: in arboricultural applications, current standards require life support to include triple action (that is, double locking [which is to be first overcome] ahead of the gate opening action).

[Edited above for added clarification regarding procedural sequence when opening gate]
