Augustine, City of God bk 19 | The Four Circles of Relationships | Philosophy Core Concepts

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This is a video in my new Core Concepts series -- designed to provide students and lifelong learners a brief discussion focused on one main concept from a classic philosophical text and thinker.

This Core Concept video focuses on Augustine's work, The City of God, and specifically on his discussion in book 19 arguing that we do not find any lasting peace or happiness in this life. In the course of this discussion, he sets out four concentric circles of relationships that we human being can have.

The first of these is most intimate, and includes the family or household, and our friendships. The second of these is our political or social community, the city. The third is the world as a whole, encompassing all of the peoples and members of the human race. The fourth extends to the cosmos, and includes spiritual beings such as the gods (as understood by pagans) or the good and bad angels (as understood within a Christian perspective).

#augustine #relationships #friendship
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