The Secret to Etching Pint Glasses with a Diode Laser

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The Secret to Etching Pint Glasses with a Diode Laser. After my glass etching video I got a lot of questions on how to etch a tapered glass like a pint glass. Join me today where we go over the secret to etching a tapered glass.

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Kurt l(Loop)

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I found that using the Cold Galvanizing compound paint from Lowes at 60mm/sec and 95% power left an incredible smooth black etch in the glass, at much slower speed it frosted the glass. I think it left a better image in black than the more expensive charcoal glass spray from Enduramark. It worked on tile the same way at 90mm/sec at 90% power. This is on the 10w version of the D1.


Idk what I would do without you! Your videos are everything!


What's the process for cleaning off the paint after you're done printing. I'm assuming just use the paint thinner.


I love your videos I’m in the look for a laser to have fun with and so far the X TOOL 20w package is what I’m looking to get and your making it more easy for me to make the purchase.Thank you for making these videos


Thanks for the video Nick. First of yours I've watched. You seem to have played / worked with the cylinder engraving tool more than most so I'll ask you. Will this attachment do a small enough diameter to etch the handle of a pool cue? If you think it might, do you have any tips / tricks I might need other than the levelling that you just made very clear. I am buying an Atomstack X7. Also do you suggest air assist? 
Thanks again for your video. I really like your detailed but Not boring approach.


I'm genuinely asking this... at 12mm/second, how long did it take to etch that image? I'm currently following your steps for a 3"x3" logo on a beer mug, and it's saying it's gonna take almost 8 hours! Is that about right?


Hay sweet. Got a questions can you use card stock To engravean image? And can diode laser cut glass? 🤓🧐


hello, enjoy your video's. Wanted to pass along a tip. You should try tempura paint instead of the galvanizing spray. I have gotten the same results with tempura paint as the with the spray. Pros: tempura easier to clean up and non toxic, also way cheaper. Cons: takes a bit for a thick coat of tempura to dry, so I use heat gun to flash dry it.
Just wanted to pass it on, in case you wanted to give it a shot.


Have you done a coffee cup yet? Thank you for sharing your time and talent again. You always give me a good laugh and I walk away with a good deal of knowledge! Keep on rocking!


Nick.. I've been experimenting with different mediums for etching glass (Dry Moly, Zinc/Galvanizing, Tempera, Tape, etc...), and have found that most mediums are "about" equal. Side note, at least with the galvanizing I am using, I run a second pass to burn off excess material left behind on first pass.... but, I digress..

The point of my post, and I do have one, is to ask you a question: have you tried using "Rub'n Buff" (get yer mind outta the gutter!) on the etched part of the glass?

I have watched several videos of the folks who do chemical etching of glass follow-up with Rub'n Buff to bring color to their glass etchings (gold leaf, copper, ebony, etc...). I am going to experiment on some of my existing test pieces this weekend, but wondered if you had already seen this product.

If you see this and are interested in my results... let me know and I'll be happy to share.


I was researching Glowforge and Xtool came up in my FB feed, so I started researching and all info pointed to D1 over Glowforge, so I bought the bundle with the rotary tool. I am getting close, 5 our of 8 boxes have been delivered, so I am binge watching your videos! I started out with Cricut (cutting machine), added sublimation (ink turning to gas to sublimate on various things: T-shirts, tumblers, everything the D1 can do, but a different technique)! I would happily buy your top subscription if you got a better camera. We cannot see anything you do in the app, it's all blurry. That is an important part, along with you setting up you substrate in the honeycomb or rotary device. Love your humor and even your mistakes! Look forward to watching more!


I appreciate the videos you have made for etching glass. When I first bought my D1, pint glasses were the main idea I had. I have been able to etch the glass using this method, but I’m actually ending up with a super light etch and would like a better image so I could actually sell them. I’m not sure if you have any tips on getting a darker etch or not but I would really appreciate it.


what kind of spray do you use on the glass before you engrave it? what other options do u have instead of spray?


hi, does xcs software have simular settings to the basic software u are using? cheers mate. love the work!


Bro! I don't know how long it.would.have taken me to think of leveling the rollers brilliant!


Great information. What roller are you using ?


Thank you for the information. Never thought about lifting one end of the roller up to make it level.


Great video, only thing is that it’s 2 yrs old, any chance you have a newer video using XCS? I’m super new to engraving and I’m ready to mess up my wife’s kitchen glasses with my new rotary lol


What is the wedge you used to level the roller and where can I purchase Video answered a lot of questions I had.


How do you removed the cold galvanized compound? Do you just wipe it down with a clothe or need some kind of chemical to remove it? Thanks!
