Migrate Your .NET Web Our New Step-By-Step Assistant - PRE10

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Move your ASP.Net App or Site to Azure app service with the help of the new Azure App Service Migration Assistant, a step-by-step guide for your assessment, migration and app optimization:
• Assess: Quickly and easily determine if a public endpoint is a good candidate for Azure App Service.
• Migrate: Download the Migration Assistant to perform a detailed assessment of your ASP.Net site and then use the tool to quickly and easily migrated your content and config to Azure App Service.
• Optimize: Explore a dedicated migration experience in the Azure Portal that analyzes your apps and provides detailed configuration guidance.
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Thanks, super quick and easy to start


Hi, I am preparing one of our applications for migration to Microsoft’s Azure Cloud hosting service. To this end, I have used the Migration Assistant, which starts by assessing your website and reports on any compliance issues.

I started with a bunch of issues and have now whittled it down to just one. This final one is proving to be a bit more troublesome because the recommended resolution causes the Migration Assistant to crash on the subsequent re-assessment run.

The reported issue is: “The following location tags were found in applicationHost.config: <MyAppName>”. Sure enough, when I look in the applicationHost.config file, it contains the following config info: <location

After reviewing the help against the "Learn More" link, I removed this <Location> tag from the applicationHost.config file and put the settings in the application's root web.config file. I did this because the help specifically says: "Generally, these entries can be moved to either the site's root web.config file, or to a web.config file associated with the specific application to which they apply. Once they've been moved to one of these locations, they can be migrated to Azure App Service with the site content."

After removing the offending <Location> tag section from the applicationHost.config file the Azure App Service Migration Assistant no longer works and gives the following runtime error: "We're sorry, there has been an error. To get help... blah, blah, blah…”

So following the advice given seems to result in an invalid configuration, which is now preventing me from moving forward with the migration. Any thoughts or advice to help me resolve this are most welcome.


Hello! Video was super helpful. I have a requirement for 'lifting and shifting' a web app to another server altogether. Can I use the above process to use Azure as an intermediary and then from there move to the new server? Please guide. Thanks!


This might be a silly question; Does this remove the source data or does the original website remain?


so basically this is different web hosting? how do you upload code changes to azure ?
